Author Topic: i'm mad because i can't install things  (Read 1766 times)

my parents have never even once set limitations to what i can do on a computer.

i can't even imagine how annoying that must be: not even being allowed to install something.

There is an easy way around it.

Sad to say, I'd pay money to keep you off the computer / internet, so I would kill myself before helping you out in any way, shape or form.

and this is why you are a friend

You can drag an application somewhere else when you have the disk image open, if you have a mac which I'm assuming you do.

My personal computer runs only linux, and even if it wasnt passworded (by me) theyd have no idea how to use it.

Delete the installation folder of the program using cmd.
That or brute force/guess the password.

or learn to hack
You could try to figure out what process controls the time limit and end it in task manager. (If you have windows)

Your parents installed that on the computer?
Tell them your too old for it...

Your parents installed that on the computer?
Tell them your too old for it...
it's not installed, it's a built in thing, and i'm 11

Delete the installation folder of the program using cmd.
That or brute force/guess the password.
i tried guessing the admin password but i have no idea what it is

Oh...shy uses a mac? no point in installing things macs already have everything.
you're dumb
macs don't come with every single program in the universe

I found the problem.

If she wants to play games, buy a computer that runs windows.
i have been over this literally dozens of times and i'm sick of explaining it
i am not able to use windows, my parents do not allow me to
i'm perfectly fine with using a mac though, and if you're just going to go "WEEEH MACS ARE DUMB GET WINDOWS OR I'LL GET MAD" please exit the thread right now

i have been over this literally dozens of times and i'm sick of explaining it
i am not able to use windows, my parents do not allow me to
i'm perfectly fine with using a mac though, and if you're just going to go "WEEEH MACS ARE DUMB GET WINDOWS OR I'LL GET MAD" please exit the thread right now

use linux

use linux
i think i have before for a short time and it was really confusing

If you have $25 you can get a mac KonBoot license and then use that to make yourself an administrator.

This should go in Drama. Admin, please?

This should go in Drama. Admin, please?
No, Drama is things about happening in-game or on the forums not inrl you silly goose.

You have smart parents for not letting you install what you like.

You have smart parents for not letting you install what you like.
Maybe if their child is shygriff.
But otherwise, children need to have some independence in the matter.
I mean, what's the worst they can do, break their computer? You can just do a system restore.

and this is why you are a friend
isn't unprovoked stuff like that bannable?

i think i have before for a short time and it was really confusing
any distro with a desktop installed automatically makes it not confusing