Author Topic: Bronies and Froglover06 - Control yourselves a bit?  (Read 13473 times)

It is not BRONIES that are putting pony-posts outside the megathread. It is a very, very small number of people who call themselves bronies and are frowned upon by those of us in the megathread.
Thanks for the information. I will keep that in mind next time I see something like that.
he's attacking bronies who spam pony stuff
Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.

he's attacking bronies who spam pony stuff
Then maybe he should consider that the only two "evidence" quotes he has given are people who we barely, if EVER, see in the megathread, suggesting that they, as various others have done, are just using ponies as an excuse to piss people off (in axolotl's case) or spamming everywhere because it's "cool" (froglover).

bill, out
youre not gonna achieve anything

Then maybe he should consider that the only two "evidence" quotes he has given are people who we barely, if EVER, see in the megathread, suggesting that they, as various others have done, are just using ponies as an excuse to piss people off (in axolotl's case) or spamming everywhere because it's "cool" (froglover).
despite hating bronies, i agree with this

Ok, I like how people act like Assassin's Creed is a loving religion or something. Their avatars, signatures, everything is ponies. It's really loving annoying. I stay away from these internet parasites so I don't get infected.
However, I have the common sense to not bitch about it.
But you just did, even if it's an example. Also I see no one acting like Assassin's Creed is a religion. Bad example.

Then maybe he should consider that the only two "evidence" quotes he has given are people who we barely, if EVER, see in the megathread, suggesting that they, as various others have done, are just using ponies as an excuse to piss people off (in axolotl's case) or spamming everywhere because it's "cool" (froglover).
Noedit: Trifornt, I meant to address you directly once I saw your quote but I hit post by mistake.

bill, out
youre not gonna achieve anything
Uh... you sure? I think OP and I actually reached a bit of a consensus there.
But you just did, even if it's an example. Also I see no one acting like Assassin's Creed is a religion. Bad example.
I only use it as an example to point out how ridiculous it is to see you bitching about it.
I don't see religion posts being made in signatures either, suggesting a flawed brown townogy on your part, but trying to debate with you won't get me anywhere, so I'm out at tikitai's request.

I only use it as an example to point out how ridiculous it is to see you bitching about it.
I don't see religion posts being made in signatures either, suggesting a flawed brown townogy on your part, but trying to debate with you won't get me anywhere, so I'm out at tikitai's request.

It's not ridiculous. What's ridiculous is the fact that they do everything to show you that they're bronies, including customizing everything to ponies like avatar, signatures, backgrounds, ect. They expect people to bow down to them because they are part of a cult that seems to get popular for whatever reason. It seems like their plan is for whoever is against them, must be terminated.

Then maybe he should consider that the only two "evidence" quotes he has given are people who we barely, if EVER, see in the megathread, suggesting that they, as various others have done, are just using ponies as an excuse to piss people off (in axolotl's case) or spamming everywhere because it's "cool" (froglover).
True, maybe I should have put more.

Don't let a single person be the representative for an entire community.

It's not so much that they exist on their own pony-centric boards, it's just that they insist on CARVING A CHUNK out of every single message board, image board, MMO, BBS, newsgroup, comment section, FPS server, or anything else which might remotely foster an online community. Literally every damned server on the internet has to cordon off a section to cater to these manchildren. It doesn't even remotely matter what the forget the message board might be about.
If you run a decent-sized message board about old radio dramas, then it's only a matter of time before these friends summon themselves.
They'll look upon an automotive message board, and determine that it is the perfect place to plant some threads down and talk about nothing but ponies with other ponycigarettes. They cannot break away from ponies to even play online games, their only other hobby. That can't enter any TF2 server without equipping a pony avatar, and a pony name, and a pony clan, and pony servers, lest they suffocate like a fish on land.
And even then they'll figure it's appropriate to never stop talking about ponies in chat, even though the rest of the team is too busy to type obscenities back because THEY'RE EATING A WAVE OF ROCKETS WHILE TRYING TO DEFEND THE POINT.

They'll act like the most self-entitled petulent children, should anyone try to moderate them, or make the reasonable request along the likes of "hey, this thread is for talking about cooking, and a preschool cartoon is a little off-topic." No, they'll summon a tsunami of aspergian bronies to flood the boards. As it goes, they cannot figure out why ANYONE else could not like their stupid obsession. To them, it's inconceivable, that there are grown adults that don't give a stuff about ponies. Unfathomable. Who could possibly dislike the exhibition of ponies? "Trolls", that's who.

This will always be relevant.

Nice, a whole immature rant on tier two fans.

How OP is 23 I will never understand

All of these are old. Froglover is banned and didn't listen to ouradvice . Thread is unneeded as Froglover already had a drama.