Author Topic: What exactly causes lag?  (Read 1717 times)

I'm building a fairly large build, and I was wondering what causes lag (OTHER than vehicles, lights, and emitters). I've heard that rounds cause the slightest bit of lag, also print decals. I use a lot of these in my builds, and I need someone to clarify those myths. 



I don't want to know what lag is, (I already know or else I wouldn't be posting) I just want to find out what bricks cause it.

Round bricks cause more lag than square ones that fit together because when you have a wall of square bricks it culls the faces not needed so you only render what's needed, when you have a wall of round bricks, they don't fit together exactly causing you to render all the sides (Apart from the top and bottom of them).

yea one time it was really laggy so i did /clearvehicles and the lag vanished

The more faces your card has to render at the defined quality level will create lag.
A lot of moving objects/stuff going on will also cause lag, same with emitters, basically, the more work you make your computer do, the more lag there will be.

Lots of windows also cause lag. Idk why, they just do.

As far as I have worked out the brick only shows the sides that are able to see. e.g brick on top of a brick no longer renders the top and bottom of the connecting bricks. This is why Blockland doesn't lag but I'm ecky at the fact that bricks have collision and I don't know if it works the same but I assume it does. This explains why when you load bricks it says Bricks loaded when they are still loading and you can run into them because the collision loads.

So what I'm saying here is that the amount of poly's can lag, even though you see the 6 sided bricks you most likely are looking at a total 12 sided brick because of the invisible collision, basically allot of them would = lag.

Lots of windows also cause lag. Idk why, they just do.
Because window bricks don't follow the brick culling system like normal, flat rectangular bricks do.

Examine kompressor looking at a big tower of 2x2's

I think all the white cubes are culling thingywhatsits.

Bricks don't cause lag. They cause a decrease in framerate.

If the host's framerate decreases from looking at the bricks, others do get lag, though.

Bricks don't cause lag. They cause a decrease in framerate.

Since lag is defined as communication delay, bricks can't lag.

If the server is multiplayer, lag is caused from synchronizing all the bricks between clients and the servers, but not from viewing the bricks themselves. And round bricks do not create more lag then any other brick, every brick lags by the same amount. Round bricks use more rendering power, so they slow your framerate more. Once your framerate drops below about 25 or so, the human eye begins to notice it.