Author Topic: steam now has offline messaging  (Read 3070 times)

this is the most amazing thing in all of ever

note: all these tabs were open when I started Steam, I received messages from those people while I was offline

"[VKR] Brian Smith is currently offline, they will receieve your message the next time they log in."

chat history is also displayed in gray as soon as you open a chat window

note: you'll probably need to join the steam beta to get this right now

It's about time.

Regardless this is a great feature, and it's definitely going to be useful, so I'm glad they did it.

I've also checked the beta myself, it's there.

Yay now I can message people when I want to trade

This is fantastic. I can't find the option to message offline people.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 03:28:23 AM by Dexxtter »

This is fantastic. I can't find the option to message offline people.
do you have beta enabled?

What. Why? WHYYY??!!!

"Removed "/me" chat command, which allowed some users to modify the color of their chat text"

This is the official holocaust of all roleplayers.
Sure we can use *'s, but it's just not the same.

Why does it matter what colored text people have?

Why does it matter what colored text people have?
* LeetZero sighs, patting Masterlegodude on the back.
Because it's the base function of all roleplay and actions.

That doesn't seem to be a good reason to completely remove the /me function. It was a nice feature to use, and... can someone show an example of the problem they have with it?

Why does it matter what colored text people have?

people use it to scam idiots

Steam Support : We need to validate your account due to suspicious activity. Failure to do so will cause your account to be locked. Please disable Steam Guard and enter your username and password to begin validation.
gamerguy1234: omg wtf dont lock my account I disabled steam gard
gamerguy1234: name gamerguy1234 password 1234
Steam Support is now offline