
What do you think of it?

Yeah, it's a nice build!
457 (75.8%)
I will be happy to see it!
66 (10.9%)
Mh, i can do better :P
10 (1.7%)
Sadly, the brickcount is too high :(
52 (8.6%)
I don't like it!
18 (3%)

Total Members Voted: 603

Author Topic: An American City - [New Pics] [04/21/15]  (Read 68120 times)

CohortTeam is proud to present you the 2015 city project!

EDIT: The project was renamed "An American City", because it no more looks like Seattle.
I reused the same topic, because it's the same build, but it's kinda a new project :)

After a long time, we initially (Sleven and I) finished this city and released it! It was 256000 bricks!
Then 3 years later Badspot updated his game and unlocked his old topic, to allow us to work on it again!
We will now expand the city a lot, around 4x its initial size, and add a ton of interiors!

No new pics for the moments, but very soon! Thanks you!
(To download the old city, click here: http://www.cohortteam.com)

« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 12:07:43 PM by Sylvanor »

I remember this, been a long time coming, that's for sure.

Oh wow, this is good, very good

Finally! You've been working on this for so long! So is this the final product?
Btw. I'm waiting for a new graphics card to arrive within the next few days. I'd very much like to see the city again without resulting in a series of bluescreens, like last time :D

I will love you forever, Sylvanor. You are a god and should be treated as such.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 05:39:12 PM by Nonnel »

For now i try to fight against the brickcount to place more and more builds, but i had to make basic roads, without lines, low details and most of the builds have no insides heh. I tried to make it looks like a real city, like real life but heh, it's blockland. The city is still WIP, so that's why there are some blanks or missing bricks everywere!

Please don't ask for a release! It will be released for sure, i really don't see the point of building someting this size only for me --', but it will be released when i will have finished all the map or when i think it will be the moment.

one of the best builds ever..... super cool

I'm p sure not even half of you can grasp the complexity of this city. The love put down in every single building is mindblowing. What they completely lack in detail they make up for with amazing shapes, variety and originality.

Let me point out that Sylvanor is the real maker of this city. I'm honored to even be in the builder's list.
What I did was two residential houses, easter eggs (interiors that is), de-spamming, filling in where Syl missed something or failed and generally just supporting.

This is seriously the biggest project I have yet seen in Blockland, and I am not exaggerating when saying that nothing can overcome it.

Don't let yourself be fooled by Sylvanor's primitive language and the poor pics. This is quality of a high level.

Syl, I thought it sucked that you rather showed billions of sucky pics instead of doing something more attractive and actually more true to what the city actually looks like. You're not doing it justice.

oh my god, that is amazing.
is there a chance that we could see it ingame?


e:this goes beyond hote and into supre hote
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 04:27:05 PM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

This is awesome! If I were I would keep a backup of the save in 5 secret locations on your PC, have an extra backup on a flash drive and another computer. I would murder myself if I made this and lost it.

Edit: you could make some awesome Blockland shorts with this city!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 02:26:28 PM by Altiris »

This is awesome! If I were I would keep a backup of the save in 5 secret locations on your PC, have an extra backup on a flash drive and another computer. I would murder myself if I made this and lost it.
Pretty sure sleven has a save also