Author Topic: Just beat Knee-Deep in the Dead on Ultra-Violence  (Read 915 times)

Feels good.

Discuss satisfying feelings in video games.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 02:05:03 PM by Tomcat »

did you beat an enemy called Knee-Deep in a game called Dead on a difficulty called Ultra-Violence


did you beat an enemy called Knee-Deep in a game called Dead on a difficulty called Ultra-Violence


I play on ultra violence all day erry day.

But I suck at nightmare.

beating a left4dead2 campaign with nothing but a fire axe is a good feeling

Knee-Deep is a cakewalk compared to every other episode, especially Thy Flesh...I got stuck on E2M4 on HMP because I haven't committed the maps to memory in Episodes 2-4.

how was I supposed to know you were talking about Doom

because the episode name is common knowledge by now

Knee-Deep is a cakewalk compared to every other episode
this is pretty much true
once you get the shotgun stuff gets kinda easy since all enemies are kinda squishy, except for the barons at the end, and you will probably save your rockets for those

do it on nightmare
Nightmare's dull because you can't plan around and for encounters, it's just a mad rush to the end.

Satisfaction: Succesfully kill a supercharged creeper by making a skeleton shoot at him, and get a record.
EXTREME PAINFUL ANGER: Be ambushed by a supercharged creeper while about to store 5 stacks of diamonds, have creeper blow up floor below dropped items, dropping them in lava.

I tried playing Plutonia once. I hid in a corner for weeks after that.