Author Topic: Builds you lost and wish you had back  (Read 3262 times)

Absolutely nothing.
I suck balls at building.

I already saved a HUGE build of a Super Mario 64 Castle, but I lost it :c

Odd, I was building the Super Mario 64 castle before too. I also lost it..

i had multiple spaceships that all got accidentally deleted
most of them sucked but w/e

Zombie cliffside (L4B map)
Zombie hotel (L4B map)
My Gameshow

Oh my god, I also remember my first build.
I drove somewhere in a Jeep on Destruct and built a church that would make religious people cry.
There was a pile of burning boxes next to it.

The most detailed thing I've ever created in this game was a Ski Lodge hanging over a mountain side in The Slopes.      Sadly, it was lost when v21 came around.

I sure would love going back and getting screen shots of it, but alas it is lost in time.

I remember my demo builds so well I could probably recreate them brick by brick. (It's only 150 bricks)
Though it would be really hard without the Bedroom.

My Gameshow
I made one.... it was one of my first "good" builds.. LOST IT.

the first thing i ever truly built was, if i remember correctly, on a server where a house made by A.R.C. was loaded.
another guy on the server showed me inside and taught me how a lamp works.

i had loaded the demo house before and seen the light there flick on and off, and had no idea how to do it, so i was happy to learn. i placed a 1x1 round on the ground and this guy told me step by step how to event it to work and add a little sound every time it was clicked.

it was amazing ;-;

All my builds from 2009.
All of them

Honestly if i even saw the screenshot again I'd probably shed a tear. :'c

Odd, I was building the Super Mario 64 castle before too. I also lost it..

I think the one I saved was Tagy something's Castle, but maybe you built another one or built this one with that guy, I don't know.

Several complete or near-complete houses, the partially done ages of BlockoMYST, and the proper combination of add-ons to make Myst Island's stuff work.

I remembered that I backed up the files from my disabled old laptop, and then remembered that I backed them up to a desktop that now has a crashed hard drive.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 08:47:59 PM by Eksi »