Author Topic: Builds you lost and wish you had back  (Read 3259 times)

I don't really build that much as to miss my builds, but I think the one I miss the most is my empire in kris' mini empires.

Well, I might still have it, but it'll never have a use again.

I made a build inspired by Outpost 29 from starship troopers back in mid-v10-11. I was so proud of that build, since it was a semi-good build (which was great for a noob back then). I spent so much time working on it and adding details and eventing. But I lost when my dad deleted my Blockland files because "it took up too much memory".

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I was so pissed off.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 07:32:57 AM by Shadowed999 »

Multiple space ships, i've lost too many
I miss the start of my Tower Bridge save the most though :c

Multiple space ships, i've lost too many
I miss the start of my Tower Bridge save the most though :c
this feeling is the worst.

I've lost all of the original saves but pretty much everything in my mothball fleet save was once it's own build. In fact, many of them were almost complete ships at the time of save file loss. What usually happens is that the save is overwritten or I just accidentally delete the save

its sad

Lost 1 year of progress on my prison escape. Decided to drop the project completely after that.. as so much was lost. :(


Completely lost the work of remaking a mini model I made into full scale.

I actually lost it twice. Remade it one time but now it's gone again. So.. screw this.

rip lost builds. :(

Why did you not use the save feature on your jail?

Why did you not use the save feature on your jail?

cuz I'm foolish

Over the 2 years of production I had only saved on one save.. sigh.. and then one day I discover that my recent save is gone and replaced by an older one. I have no idea how this is possible seeing I only had one save of the prison.

Same thing goes with the other build.