Author Topic: missin' person - Kris  (Read 1315 times)

Last time Kris was on was the 26th (4 days ago).
I have him on RTB.

Last time Kris was on was the 26th (4 days ago).
I have him on RTB.

he was actually seen
do me a favor
whenever you see him come online, hit him with a hammer and tell him 'some guy named tudor said "dafuq dud i wan play ur mini empairz it was so fun y u leev :c'

if someone leaves blockland, chances are that means that they left blockland, not that anything at all happened to them

I never said anything happened to kris
I never said he left blockland too
I just said I didn't see him at all after he shut down the server suddenly

Don't think he will be hosting MERP for a while, he is working on a Spacestation build.

Don't think he will be hosting MERP for a while, he is working on a Spacestation build.

the thing I liked the most about his MERP is how you had to build your own terrain, but by strict guidelines