Author Topic: halp a bro in need - pls guise I need halp from geometry guise  (Read 1793 times)

the formulae you're giving are unknown to me anyway

m/p = (a+b)/b  and n/p = (a+b)/a

you can simplify this to

m/p = a/b + b/b or more simply,
m/p = a/b + 1 and through the same process n/p = 1 + b/a

solve each for a/b
a/b = m/p - 1
which is also a/b = (m-p)/p
and by the same process
b/a = (n-p)/p
take the reciprocal so a/b = p/(n-p)

since a/b is equal to a/b, substitute

(m-p)/p = p/(n-p)
cross multiply
(m-p)(n-p) = p2
mn - pn - pm + p2 = p2
mn = p(n+m)
solve for p
p = mn/(m+n)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 01:26:57 PM by Ladios »

that entire solution did not include V at all
are you sure you're finding out the height of the tree

edit: oh, so p is the height of the tree

holy forget just throw me the answer

have the last one too while at it

DC = CB = 1m
AE = 1.5 m
AF = ?
too easy, BE = .5
BE : BC = AE : AF
solve it yourself from here

that entire solution did not include V at all
are you sure you're finding out the height of the tree
p = VP
sorry, I forgot to label it.

so the top of the ladder reaches 3m on the wall

now the tree

and the radiography or whatever
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 01:24:01 PM by Tudoreleuu »

actually no I have yet anotehr one
my geometry teacher must be insane
We are given no information on the O' triangle, this doesn't work.

We are given no information on the O' triangle, this doesn't work.

it also abstractly says that uh
so basically O is a kind of 'lamp', and O' is supposedly it's second position
so the second triangle should be exactly the same

it also abstractly says that uh
so basically O is a kind of 'lamp', and O' is supposedly it's second position
so the second triangle should be exactly the same
Without knowing EG or DF or any information on the left half of the triangle we can't solve this. It would be CD + FD. You can solve CD to be 15.75 but we can't really do much else.

well it's a light beam
let's suppose it's vertical

well it's a light beam
let's suppose it's vertical
you're just saying random things now
what's vertical?

Stop trying to troll with "geometry tasks" that you drew in gimp and that don't really make sense.

I am a lesson before you and I know this.

It has a loving ratio and it's not hard to find (hint hint 2/3)

Stop trying to troll with "geometry tasks" that you drew in gimp and that don't really make sense.

they're geometry tasks that I got from the book and redrew in paint
stop trying to be an starfish just because the exercises don't make sense to you