Author Topic: Post Your Backyards  (Read 3876 times)

that looks like a front yard
anyway this gives me an idea

If you thought that was a joke then you are literally the worst comedian ever.
posts? the fence posts in your yard and the ones surrounding it?
I think you misread what he said

that looks like a front yard
anyway this gives me an idea
it's the technical backyard because the road goes behind my house

so my house is backwards

sorry for ANOTHER bump but
did i forget to mention that there is a TV in my backyard


For some reason, I thought I saw bigfoot in there...maybe its just me...

sorry for ANOTHER bump but
did i forget to mention that there is a TV in my backyard

Wtf? Lucky ass :c

I don't know which side of my yard is the back so I'll describe how they all look.

Grass and small with some holes. On one side there is a septic tank.

no idea who the black guy is
but he's playing with my lovey gf in my back yard

no idea who the black guy is
but he's playing with my lovey gf in my back yard
[im g][/img]
Is that you?

Is that you?
wtf no, some black guy is running around with my sweetie
come to think of it I've never even seen that man before
I need to call the cops, brb

Damn furries.

I must post my backyard *-*
Tomorrow at dawn.

Damn furries.
um wait uhhh
what did you just call me
I am nott one of those damn MONGRELS ok??
I am a 100% purebred beagle

um wait uhhh
what did you just call me
I am nott one of those damn MONGRELS ok??
I am a 100% purebred beagle
But SWORDDOG is golden retriver