Author Topic: Apocalypse [VIDEO]  (Read 6101 times)

Usually "remastered" versions are meant to be better, Counter.

It was pretty good. But I don't think it was quite the masterpiece people are drumming it up to be, although I'm happy for you that people like it.  
     There wasn't anything necessarily wrong with the video, it was done well. But the beginning is pretty slow, I almost stopped watching out of slight boredom. A lot more could have been done with this, it was kind of uneventful and slow really. I can't say that I'm any better than you, but there's always room for improvement.

Also I think you guys need to calm down a bit..
Solid, I think you're taking things too personally. Counter was being a bit too critical, yes, but he had some good points. The music could use work and the video was slow. You don't need to be able to make great videos in order to see how another one can improve.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 02:19:56 PM by Mysteroo »

But the beginning is pretty slow, I almost stopped watching out of slight boredom. A lot more could have been done with this, it was kind of uneventful and slow really. I can't say that I'm any better than you, but there's always room for improvement.
Hmm, i didn't say anything about this in my previous post, but i do agree.

i liked it, but i am a little disappointed you didn't use blockland's epic lighting to your benefit. would've made it a lot more atmospheric

Solid, I think you're taking things too personally. Counter was being a bit too critical, yes, but he had some good points. The music could use work and the video was slow. You don't need to be able to make great videos in order to see how another one can improve.
it's not that i was taking it personal, it's the fact that he's severely over brown townyzing this, when it's just an experiment to produce a dramatic effect in a blockland video. and that he had to go COMPLETELY out of his way to redo the video JUST to criticize me over my inferior video making

and it wasn't meant to be fast paced or exciting, it was supposed to be dramatic. counter completely ruined any hint of drama by adding in his stock sounds and actiony HL2 music. he completely ruined what i was going for and turned it into a cheesy generic BL action movie
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 05:13:45 PM by Solid³ »

and it wasn't meant to be fast paced or exciting, it was supposed to be dramatic. counter completely ruined any hint of drama by adding in his stock sounds and actiony HL2 music. he completely ruined what i was going for and turned it into a cheesy generic BL action movie

That's what I felt too. Counter changed the atmosphere drastically. The original version to me was a "sweet turned to sour" scenario, when a weary wanderer finally finds a place that may be safe for him. He gleefully engages with his new environment, not suspecting there might be other people around who don't take kindly to strangers. I liked when you showed him jumping out of the roof scene, because a medikit was in focus. Was that intentional? To me, that bit signed that something bad is about to happen.

you only hate the videos because

A) it wasn't made by someone "famous"

B) It didn't include any brick texture packs

C) It didn't include pointless excessive motion blur (a trademark of "famous" people)

D) It wasn't completely and utterly random
you like this because it is supposedly "dramatic"

edit: you are butthurt because i am not here to simply praise this video for it's few merits
lol no. your "remastered" version was terrible and destroyed the atmosphere the original audio created. not only that but it was so loud and low quality that it didn't even add anything new, much less anything good.

edit: also the actual video was nice. i feel like it was stretched out a little too much though.

because a medikit was in focus. Was that intentional? To me, that bit signed that something bad is about to happen.
it was a bit, i placed several medkits around the pharmacy to show his error in not taking one, but i didn't mean for that particular one to be in focus. good eye though! :)