Author Topic: What are your most nostalgic moments in Blockland?  (Read 1812 times)

Another noglastalgic thing for me is this video:!

This is how I found out about Blockland, and it was love at first sight.

Me placing castle window bricks in the Dark Bedroom map during the demo.

Saying goodbye to terrain and interiors with Gravity Cat and Gear.
Actually, just terrain and interiors in general.

jorgur's first dogfights, as well as some other lesser known servers.

Back when I only had the demo, I used to jet around the slopes, trying to see how large the map was.
Took me a little while before i realized it just loops

Back when I only had the demo, I used to ski around the slopes, trying to see how large the map was.
Took me a little while before i realized it just loops

Diggy's metropolis server

Mainly because it was so well designed, I loved the feel of everything.
That and organized crime.

As well as my first medieval builds using bot events.
Became popular for about a month or so.

The last thing I would have to say was all the SPACE rp's, the one with all the planets on the same map.

People would use the minijet or the Firebird to fly to each planet.

Tango's server was pretty fun, but he doesn't host alot.
i might be hosting again someday
for now im gonna slow down on the process of making the next server

gentlemen with monocles clan server

i wasnt even in the group i just hung around there

Didn't I have a post similar to this a while back? I won't call it plagiarism since it's a few months old now.