Author Topic: ChappersTeddys Family RP SUCKS!  (Read 8284 times)

look for the backspace button on your keyboard..

Haha... Very funny.

Not my fault i have aspergers you forget i cant help half of what i say.

Its not you fault you have a disease, but you are responsible for what you say.

If you sperg'd all over the place and got banned for it, its on you to aplogize and make ammends for said speg'ing.

Its not you fault you have a disease, but you are responsible for what you say.

If you sperg'd all over the place and got banned for it, its on you to aplogize and make ammends for said speg'ing.

The thing is i cant apologize because im blocked on rtb and banned from his servers



Stop being a nerd and insult me using English not internet speak oh wait your too pusillanimous individual to do it you spazticated fanny-hole get a wash..

Spreadsplague you wont get what i said because ur not british..

Spreadsplague you wont get what i said because ur not british..

or because you're handicapped

now you're handicapped and also 12 years old congratulations

now you're handicapped and also 12 years old congratulations

Your hard aren't you. Hiding behind the computer screen bossing it up... loving get a life and a gf you twat..

or because you're handicapped

Said it. Meant it. technically Aspergers syndrome is part of autism.
If you can't handle being on the internet, then don't be on the internet. Same thing with guns. If you can't responsibly own a gun, then you shouldn't HAVE a gun. Would you want a crazy person to have a gun, or an ex-criminal? NO! Same thing applies here. Having a disease of any type doesn't mean you get a free ticket in life to do whatever the forget you want. I have cystinuria, that doesn't mean I can constantly drink beer like it's holy water or something.

Think before you speak, honestly. If you can't do that, remove your Enter button.

The thing is i cant apologize because im blocked on rtb and banned from his servers

You could've done it with this thread, but you made a decision to be a huge sperg about it.

Your hard aren't you. Hiding behind the computer screen bossing it up... loving get a life and a gf you twat..

you need to follow the advice in this video, except replace "give EA your money" with "post on the Blockland forums"

proceed to then spray it all over your body and light yourself on fire