Author Topic: Lego Death and Skeletal Death - UPDATED 4/11/2013  (Read 22700 times)

what i was thinking we could do- as a sort of workaround for not being able to color debris- is spawn a bunch of bots on death (like, maybe 2) and give them the same appearance as the player, but hide some of the nodes and send them all flying in random directions

but instead of having each individual piece fall apart, each of these bots would have small groups of nodes visible, all 'attached' to one another: like, the 3 bots could (between them) have all the body parts, but one bot is just an arm and a leg (both the shoulder and hand, in addition to a foot), one bot is the hip and other leg, and the player is just the torso, head, and other arm

for particularly ridiculous kills (see: ion cannons, mininukes) that do extremely large amounts of damage, the player could just be fried by the damage; instead of just gibbing the player they're straight-up blown away (like this mod does) but instead of white, all the pieces are charred and mangled and really dark gray / black to the point that they're basically unidentifiable (which is probably the result of getting ioncannoned in the first place)

There are multiple reasons why using bots for these would be a really bad idea.
Could you say what they are? I don't see any reason why not

1) Steal the individual parts of the player model, make them into bricks, plant those bricks accordingly, and fake-kill them.
I think that's over-thinking this a bit. Besides, what if you die underground or inside other bricks? There are a lot of issues with this
Besides, you would have to make the bricks killed, not fake-killed.

I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be an imitation of the LEGO games.
...What does this have to do with anything?
It would still have the same effect. Only with correct colors instead of everything being white with default faces/decals

Could you say what they are? I don't see any reason why not

Remember that bots collision models are loving huge.

What? Bot collision models are the same size as a player's collision box.

The problem with using bots, is that you're spawning multiple bots. You should know that spawning tons of moving vehicles, or bots can get laggy for the server. This is especially bad if there are a few people in the server. It's going to have the same problems as the Tumble on Death mod. Except multiplied by however many bots there are, for each player that is dying.

Will this lag if used repeatedly? I'd use it for North but there are so many zombie corpses and deaths I'd be afraid it would lag.

Will this lag if used repeatedly? I'd use it for North but there are so many zombie corpses and deaths I'd be afraid it would lag.
They're only client sided small DTS objects, i assume it's not computer heavy, so it should be fine

forget yes. I love it.

What? Bot collision models are the same size as a player's collision box.

The problem with using bots, is that you're spawning multiple bots. You should know that spawning tons of moving vehicles, or bots can get laggy for the server. This is especially bad if there are a few people in the server. It's going to have the same problems as the Tumble on Death mod. Except multiplied by however many bots there are, for each player that is dying.

except we're not tumbling anything

there are just multiple dead players on the ground

Why not spawn fake-killed bricks of each body part, and color them and print them
Then remove the bricks after the player respawns

Why not spawn fake-killed bricks of each body part, and color them and print them
Then remove the bricks after the player respawns
I've wanted this essentially for years, no one will do it. And i don't think it's logical.

except we're not tumbling anything

there are just multiple dead players on the ground

You're still spawning a bunch of bots when people die though. I don't know, it just doesn't sound right.

I thought you could recolor projectiles, why not use them?
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 01:13:54 PM by Demian »

Why can't you just color each debris to the player's color, or is it the getting of the player's color that is stumping you?

Why can't you just color each debris to the player's color, or is it the getting of the player's color that is stumping you?
If I remember correctly you cannot color debris.
Edit: Yep:

Can you add a pref to change how long corpses stay on the ground for? I just cant figure out how to change the code to do so.