Author Topic: African Housing  (Read 3614 times)

This all started in Sumohz house building server, I decided to make a ghetto house. This build went thorugh a lot of things actually, and remains unfinished since I cannot Make a second floor to it, I just can't for some reason, never turns out right. 
The whole "African Housing" title came from when we started messing with the build, fun times, Wedge loaded a whole load of macros onto it, Sumohz made the "African Housing" sign, and other labels were put throughout the build, sadly, I did not get to take pictures.
There are 2 version of this, one in Sumohz server, and the second one, with the orange truck, is in Trader's server, hence the doors.
Rating and comments are welcome.
Thank you,

First house, Sumohz house building server.

Second house, Trader's doors Server

I know they may be simple, but I liked the concept.
Here is a save so you can perhaps build a second floor onto it if you want.
Save names are pretty self explanatory, should be able to guess one using the other.
Again, ratings and comments are welcome.
Thank you.


I like the vehicles...houses are a bit default box shaped


  I AM NOT AMUSED!!!!!!!!! >:(

I looked across the street from the African Housing building and saw a big watermelon slice.

omg, i saw both of those there pretty good builds! heres a  :iceCream:

Your build Sucks. You suck. Im gonna tell a black guy to use his telepathy to tell every black guy you know that you did this.

You could have used the jeep as a car instead of those HORRID.....things..... 5/10