Author Topic: brutal legend - preorderable on steam with tf2 items  (Read 2149 times)

stolen from yukis post

Pre-Purchase Offer
Pre-Purchase Now and receive access to the multiplayer beta as well as exclusive Team Fortress 2 items*! *Item details and release date information will be available later today.

Brutal Legend is the old game from Double Fine productions (Psychonauts) (Tim Schafer is awesome). The story follows Eddie Riggs, a roadie for a "nu metal" band, who accidentally raises the fire god Ormagoden and travels back in time to a galaxy far far away (or something) to a medieval land governed by metal. This land has no scientific plausibility whatsoever, but it's so kickass you should ignore how ridiculous it is.

1. Campaign:
The campaign is absolutely fantastic. Tim Schafer knows what he's doing when he tries to tell a story. It's definitely legendary, albeit a little short (but plenty of playtime is involved). It's pretty out there, and I don't want to spoil much for anyone who hasn't played it (because everyone should, right this second). 10/10 in this field. Totally blown away.

2. Music:
The focus of the game is on music, so it better have so damn good jams right? Correct, sir. They have a wide variety of music, ranging from Heavy Metal, to Hair Metal, to Goth Metal, to Death/Black Metal. I love just driving around listening to the music. Judas Priest forget yeah. It pretty much summarized how I see new music perfectly in the opening sequence ("...Like a porcupine, say whaaaaat"). This pleases the gods of rock. Music isn't dead, it's just teleported to a land of the lost. 9/10 because I'll tell you why later.

3. Characters:
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. Just, wow. Robert Halford of Judas Priest, Lemmy Kilmeister of Motorhead, Jack Black, Kyle Gass, Lita Ford, Tim Curry... Just phenomenal. Jack Black plays Eddie Riggs, the main character (Eddie named after Iron Maiden's Eddie the Head) Lemmy as The Kilmaster, Rob Halford as General Lionwhyte AND The Baron, Tim Curry as Emperor Doviculus, Lita Ford as Rima, and finally, the best character in the whole goddamn game: Ozzy Osbourne as the Guardian of Metal. There's cameos by Kyle Gass, Brian Posehn, Steve Agee, and Jennifer Hale (You might know her as Samus Aran). 11/10 for Ozzy.

4. The Soundtrack:
This is separate from "music", because the game actually applies certain songs to certain levels. "Rock of Ages" by Def Leppard plays as you rescue all the Head bangers, "Through The Fire and The Flames" plays as you escape the shelling of a palace in your car, "Battle Hymn/One Shot at Glory" by Judas Priest as you go to war with Lionwhyte, and the best one of all time was "Painkiller" by Judas Priest for the final boss of the game. The soundtrack made the game so much more unbelievable. 10/10 for PAAAAAAINKILLLLER *solo*.

5. Gameplay:
A good game requires good gameplay, does Brutal Legend compare? Yes. It's ingenious. It's a mix TPRPG and RTS. You command and build units and structures, but you're always your own Hero unit. That said, how do you control all these units, RTS games are from above, right!? Yes. You have wings. That's right, you grow wings in order to command these units, and all Hero units (my own name for them) can fly. This is a work of art, the only problem is, since you're always a unit, you can actually get shot down. Not a huge problem, but royally pissed me off during the final battles. 9/10 here.

Two things, two big things that Schafer overlooked or didn't acknowledge enough and it is unforgivable.
No, no no no nononononononono. You can't make a metal game and NOT INCLUDE IRON MAIDEN. That should be the first goddamn commandment. There wasn't any real Iron Maiden cameos or anything either (albeit one mission being called "Numbers of the Beast"). No Maiden songs, no Eddie the Head effigies. Just, unforgivable.
2. Where's the TRASH METAL love!?
Seriously! ONE song from Anthrax, ONE song from Megadeth, ONE song from Slayer. Ultra-disappointing... OH WE'RE FORGETTING ONE THING: There's no music by Metallica. None whatsoever. Same deal with Iron Maiden, the only nod to Metallica is Eddie saying "Go ride your own lightning!" to the lightning tower unit. They should have made a Trash Metal boss, unit, area, statue, blade of grass... SOMETHING. This puts me off almost as much as the absence of Iron Maiden. Way to go.

Conclusion: Fantastic game. If you like a generic hack n' slash RPG with some kickass music, excellent story, great characters, and revolutionary gameplay, this is for you. I'd give it a 4.5/5 due to LACK OF MAIDEN OR THRASH.

No Iron Maiden? ;~;
At least Judas Priest seems to get a good amount of the game.

I have this game on the Xbox and never finished it. :\

the items are eddies hair and huitar

I was in until I read "RTS"

now I'm not so sure

there isnt much rts in it, its mostly a rpg

if it's just minimal RTS then I guess I'll go for it, because everything else looks amazing

and it's double fine for forget's sake, they're dialogue gods, just look at psychonauts and the cave

some of the best people in heavy metal doing the voice cast :D

meh when 2pp was playing it it looked pretty boring.

Also the npcs saying the same things over and over again was annoying.

also i saw no "revolutionary" gameplay at all.
Jeez me, Way to be a downer.

you should live at 10 downer street

I used to love this game, it was awesome.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 10:19:24 AM by tails »

It's been out for 3 or 4 years and they are only just porting it to PC?

It's been out for 3 or 4 years and they are only just porting it to PC?

it happens all the time