Cox Internet Speed Slow

Author Topic: Cox Internet Speed Slow  (Read 471 times)

I got cox Internet a few days ago.

The website said that the Internet we got should be around 12 Mbps
I tryed downloading a game from steam and I had around 200 kilobytes a second

What happened, did cox lie to us or something?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 09:02:19 PM by Rainzx¹ »

what do you expect from a company named cox?

but seriously try calling them.

I got cox Internet a few days ago.

The website said that the Internet we got should be around 12 MB/s
I tryed downloading a game from steam and I had a 200 kb/s speed

What happened, did cox lie to us or something?

They probably said megabits per second.

8 Megabits ~= 1 megabyte

You should have around 1.5 MB/s though. I would contact Cox and notify them.

what do you expect from a company named cox?

I used to have a cox email, always awkward to explain "" to my friends...

Working fine for me. I get 18Mbps just as promised. I mean obviously we probably live 1000 miles away from each other but no u.
Just call them and they'll do something. Their customer support is generally pretty great.