Author Topic: British Socialising Megathread  (Read 7126 times)

I lived in England until 6 months ago, so i'm British but don't live there anymore, I use to live in a town called Grimsby, that none of you will ever have heard of :c

So, is anyone able to come to Geek 2013, or am I foreveralone?

I'm part Irish if that counts.

This is now the British Socialising Megathread

britcigarettes spell color wrong

it's color

« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 06:59:43 PM by hodototman »

I met this glorious person today!

He signed my book for me :D

it's colour

I met this glorious person today!

He signed my book for me :D

You have no idea how unbelievably jealous of you I am.

Sadly, I won't be seeing Professor Brian Cox anytime soon, but I do get to go to the Royal Society this Summer and sit in on a televised set of speeches. It's the filming of the 2013 Christmas Shows.
On the note of the Royal Society, it's currently under threat.
A newspaper article by Radio DJ Chris Evans explains it some more.
Scroll down until you see the second line of Asterisk', just before the picture of Professor Brian Cox.
It's something to be aware of, and to think about supporting.

On another note, there are a lot of people from the South East apparantely.

How many people from/in the South West, though?!
(I'm from Oxford, but have lived in North Devon for 9 years now).

Let me find the Map that shows where blockland players are
Oh, it's only for people who are currently hosting servers
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 09:05:16 PM by Blooker »

u wot m8? i kill u i swear to me mum m8

this found it's way into my yard

this found it's way into my yard
That car might murder your family. Keep an eye on it.

I met this glorious person today!

He signed my book for me :D

You're so lucky :c

They all have such large smiles.

I'm usually greeted by a hobo with 3 teeth around my street corner.

You have no idea how unbelievably jealous of you I am.

You're so lucky :c

It was a free lecture at the royal society scheduled to start at 5PM and me and a group of friends had been queuing since 11AM so we were at the front and got brian over using this: