
Coolest playable race?


Author Topic: Starbound Megathread - Version 1.3.2  (Read 821690 times)

I'm tired after finishing the furniture for merely the first faction. The most tedious part is the settlement/dungeon generator because I have to get a general idea of wtf to do. It's incredibly stupid how there isn't a preview option for when I draw it out on mspaint like the devs do.

Use Starstructor? Does that work or am I dumb

Use Starstructor? Does that work or am I dumb
Never heard of it \:o

Never heard of it \:o

Yeah it's pretty convenient considering it provides a visual for you to work with. I don't remember if it was updated to actually work with the .pak that Chucklefish decided to throw everything into (for some reason) but if you're using entirely custom blocks then that won't be an issue.

yeah this'll be great! thanks

Very strange way to hold a dagger.  Anyone else seeing this when they hold a one-handed weapon and face the right?

Found an avian airship on my spawn planet, and have been trying to hunt animals to buy stuff from their quatermaster.
Got 2 different machine pistols so I can dual wield them.

Would like to get one of the shotguns too, but they're 600 pixels and I'm a little short on my planet. I seem to have no passive mobs and everything attacks me constantly, so I do die quit a bit. :z

Also, is it normal for all the avians to jump off the ship?
They keep chasing flying mobs that attack and then piss off, so they just run right off the nose of the ship and fall to the ground.
They're all alive (bar the ones who got killed by mobs down there), but are just hanging around on the ground.

Even the captain forgeted off the edge.

It's likely just bad AI but I'd like to believe that Avians are just universally handicapped.

It's likely just bad AI but I'd like to believe that Avians are just universally handicapped.
keep believing what ain't true, pal.

Oh yeah, I know everyone warns me about leaving their stuff alone, but am I safe to steal all the stuff in their chests and crates?

Oh yeah, I know everyone warns me about leaving their stuff alone, but am I safe to steal all the stuff in their chests and crates?

The AI wouldn't give a hoot if you stripped and pissed in their bowls, you can basically do anything short of actually attacking them.

keep believing what ain't true, pal.

Your race needed spaceflight handed to you, you're only a small step above the Florans in that you are capable of producing grammatically correct sentences. Sometimes.

Florans still best race
despite its a dead game

Me and my friends played this like half a year ago, has enough stuff changed to make another playthrough worth it?

Your race needed spaceflight handed to you, you're only a small step above the Florans in that you are capable of producing grammatically correct sentences. Sometimes.
well its not like we needed it.
we would've been better off without it cuz then we wouldn't have to deal with seeing ugly races like yours  :cookieMonster:

Very strange way to hold a dagger.  Anyone else seeing this when they hold a one-handed weapon and face the right?

Maybe because the arm for that race is bugged