
Coolest playable race?


Author Topic: Starbound Megathread - Version 1.3.2  (Read 792754 times)

it will probably be added later, this update already had lots of content

I give it a year or more, knowing how long it takes for each update to come out.
And no, i dont count the nightlies. Unstable updates don't count to me.

i mean i guess that's fine as long as you're not saying the devs are lazy/not doing anything with the game

cus obv they aren't if they're puttin out nightly updates...

i mean i guess that's fine as long as you're not saying the devs are lazy/not doing anything with the game

cus obv they aren't if they're puttin out nightly updates...

Thats true, but i still dont like how they handle things. Banning and editing posts on the forum that criticizes them, focusing more on unstable builds instead of smaller, more frequent stable builds. Id play the game again when its either out of alpha/beta or when the game doesn't feel so.. empty.

So, I have a question. Those first two major screenshots of gameplay.
i assume you're talking about these two?


I remember when space stations were going to be in the game in place of the player's ship.

i remember when this game still looked promising

i remember when this game still looked promising
yep I wanted to get it so bad but it just turned out to be an empty, unstable mess

it's like seeing this really good shirt on a mannequin, and you go and buy it and it turns out to be just a paper cutout of the shirt with a message from the designers saying "forget YOU"

Thats true, but i still dont like how they handle things. Banning and editing posts on the forum that criticizes them, focusing more on unstable builds instead of smaller, more frequent stable builds. Id play the game again when its either out of alpha/beta or when the game doesn't feel so.. empty.
I agree.

Image of the game is ruined because people pushed for an unfinished product and the devs caved in and decided to put it into a relatively early beta. Everyone realized that this was in fact a beta but played it long enough to get a full scope for the game's overall gameplay and got bored of it.

It was the dev's fault for releasing an unfinished product so early but I also take responsibility for playing the unfinished game.

I agree.

Image of the game is ruined because people pushed for an unfinished product and the devs caved in and decided to put it into a relatively early beta. Everyone realized that this was in fact a beta but played it long enough to get a full scope for the game's overall gameplay and got bored of it.

It was the dev's fault for releasing an unfinished product so early but I also take responsibility for playing the unfinished game.

I was one of the people who bought the game the week it was released. I dont know what I expected, but playing it so early kinda ruined it for me. Happens with a lot of Early access games for me.

I remember when the game first came out that there were a ton of positive reviews and very few negative reviews, but now if you look back at the steam page it flipped and now most of the top reviews are negative.

The Devs need to get their head on straight and need to start pumping out stable builds. Even if they are small, they still need to keep it going, kinda like how ti was when they first started.

I just want to know why the novakid "boxcar" upgrades for the space ship have their own smoke stacks.
because on a real train the boxcars don't have engines on them

yeah i will admit to being part of the contributing factor to forcing the beta out like pus from a entrepreneur le
in its current state it's just barren and repetitive, it's like an mmo but terraria styled and with the color sucked out

bump, novakids are rly cool

bump, novakids are rly cool
do they exist yet or is that speculatory hype

Aren't novakids just reskins of every other race or did they finally implement racial abilities?