
Space miners are cunts.

They're misunderstood.
4 (33.3%)
They're cunts.
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Space Endeavour  (Read 11533 times)

You should stop using Jack Golem and make a more original character.
ok im late but menen told someone to be original

so is menen :D

No we arent at that stage of universal constantness yet.

ok im late but menen told someone to be original

I was referring to the fact that masterockets posts his Jack Golem character in almost every adventure, whereas I have only submitted Menen to like 2 adventures and one of them it was hardly Menen it just looked like him.

I honestly have never successfully submitted two of the same characters to any forum adventure

go home purple

you're drunk

Also, please try to remember that Fouto has a more grumpy and aggressive personality, is rarely nice most of the time.

Also, please try to remember that Fouto has a more grumpy and aggressive personality, is rarely nice most of the time.

probably grumpy because all that fur is scratching his privates and is making him uncomfortable.

Thank god Swholli put him in basic body armor

Also, please try to remember that Fouto has a more grumpy and aggressive personality, is rarely nice most of the time.

So he's fou' t empered? :cookieMonster:

ow that was bad

Connect and get an update form C-428

Captain House: Hail the C-428, I want to talk to her captain as well.

Etilletas: Aye, sir.

The man looks closely resemblant of the previous captain. It would seem the Federation has a tendency to use certain species for certain positions.

You wonder if this is a racial thing, but then, that's probably too many politics for right now.

Freighter Captain: Greetings fellow captain! What a fine stellar morning to go sailing, eh?

Captain House: That's a bit of an archaic phrase.

Freighter Captain: Ah, yes. Well, I wouldn't be lying if I didn't say I missed the oceans back home. So, what do I owe for the pleasure of this com-call?

Captain House: It would seem the captain of C-427 has already issued a warning to open fire on us should we get in his way. Shall you be doing the same?

Freighter Captain: He did what? Oh, good Glarg, that man is insufferable. Please excuse my father, he's still very bitter about losing the war. He thinks all Federals are scum and thinks the whole Endeavour project is just a waste of tax money.

Captain House: Ah, Republic men, are you?

Freighter Captain: Eh, my father was. I never picked a side, you see. Conflict isn't my forte. Just know that should anything happen, I would stand by you as a witness.

Good to know you have at least one ally.

plan out a way to travel to the destination at hand

Currently In: Alpha  Quadrant
Percent Explored: 5%
Known Systems:
Palniteen 3 - Federation Capital
Bruets 1 and 2 - Palniteen's moons

Ensign Verigan: Sir, our current readings indicate that this ship was not included with any preliminary star charts, some sort of budget cut. Or some sort of plot point.

Captain House: It would be like the Federation to leave us out here with only our wits and scanners about us.

Hey Swholli, update.

Hey Swholli, update.

I just did.

Someone say what we should do.

The nearest FTL by-way is to the far east.

However, we can explore this quadrant if you guys want to kill time/gain experience.

It's up to you.

go south east because why not

Go to the bottom right of the map

Scott should update.