
Space miners are cunts.

They're misunderstood.
4 (33.3%)
They're cunts.
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Space Endeavour  (Read 11531 times)

firstthruster3 to hull3, west
secondthruster3 to hull5, west
bridge2 to hull11, east
write MENEN SUCKS on top of hull

yeah, that's fine i guess, but that distance system better not be rocket science :u

Nah, what I meant by explain was more like, why it's there in combat rather than how it works.in generally.

Basically, I've made up an imaginary unit of measurement that has probably no real world values because that would be far too lazy. They're called "ticks" (a play on the military term" click"), and they're just squares on a grid.

Actually, I even have pictures for when I write it all out.

This is the center point of your ship so you know where it will end up in space. It takes up roughly 3x3 so it cannot move through other physical objects in space like the other ship. Though that's just common sense.

That's how movement works. Your ship will have a certain number of spaces it can move to in one turn, which can be upgraded, and the counting starts at the first square it moves to and not the one it's on.

Certain weapons have ranges (as I explained before) and other weapons, like lasers, have spreads so you can attack multiple enemies at once with the same amount of damage. All of which can also be upgraded.

And that's it. I can explain the distance system in exactly three images. And it was probably exactly what you'd expected it to be. to I promise, I could make this complicated (I have played DnD a lot in my childhood), but I wouldn't dream of doing so.

write MENEN SUCKS on top of hull

Oh, that's another thing actually. If you guys want to change any of the paint on the outside of the ship, you can. So colors, or emblems, or in this case "MENEN SUCKS" can actually be done.

awesome, our first action will be lambasting the forums' resident david guetta~
also paint the ship yellow
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 01:21:27 PM by Cybertails1998 »

Oh, that's another thing actually. If you guys want to change any of the paint on the outside of the ship, you can. So colors, or emblems, or in this case "MENEN SUCKS" can actually be done.
I don't think it would be best to listen to the ravings of an angry child though.

this all looks like D&D stuff to me :c

I don't think it would be best to listen to the ravings of an angry child though.

Oh, probably not. It's still a communal vote, and obviously, I get last say in everything.

this all looks like D&D stuff to me :c

Don't worry. While it's true I'm basing some of it on my experience with DnD, it's not going to be uber complicated.

I mean, hell, it's not even going to be Warhammer (the tabletop game) complicated.

Think of it like "Ship A has x level and Ship B has y. x > y, therefor Ship A is expected to beat Ship B." It's really basic stuff. If a number is bigger, then you can be sure it'll win. No complicated modifiers other than how powerful your weapon has become. That's really it, two numbers. Level of power at start and the level it has upgraded to. Now, ground combat is a little bit more on the DnD side, but even it's nowhere near that level. I'll be posting that as well soon.

peer pressure, folks

two-pixel eyes allow for a wider range of emotions, actually.

Yes, one can use 3 for surprised looks!

So, like pokemon complicated?

Yeah, actually. Think of it like pokemon and DnD had a baby. If you're familiar with pokemon games, you should be able to play this no problem.

So ground combat.

The first thing to know is that, like in Deadrock, everything operates on chance (except the spaceship battles, because honestly, that'd be annoying if you had to worry about your ship's skills as well as your own. No, ships will be "fire laser?" and then the laser fires. No rolling).

But this time we're not going to question the accuracy of your shots, as you're all playing as elite space guys. Instead the chance comes down to the area that you damage. You're destined to make the hit every time, except the balance is that this adventure is turn based and thus, you wait until the other party has done it's damage before continuing.

Area damage is done like this:

You have four main parts: head, body, arms and legs.

You roll a d20 to determine where you hit, and the numbers are like this:

|------------- 1 - 10 -------------| |----- 11 - 15 -----| |--- 16 - 18 ---| |- 19, 20 -|
Body                                              Arms                      Legs                Head

This means, the most likely place you'll hit is the body (at 1 through 10) as this is the only area than when hit and goes into the orange (20% HP or lower) doesn't effect your movement or damage.

If you roll anything that falls in 11 through 15, you'll hit the arms. Arms when they reach orange will become inactive (you roll a dice to determine left or right) and at red (1% HP) they have to be amputated. Legs (16 through 18) are the same.

Last is your head if you roll a 19 or a natural 20 (a critical hit, which does double the normal damage). When this is in the orange you begin to lose consciousnesses and pass out, and in the red it's instant death. Thus, why a natural 20 is basically a head-shot for characters with low HP.

These stats apply to you as well as your opponents. Note: when I say a dice is rolled, you don't actually have to do that yourself, I'll do it for you and be fair.

Remember, each body part can have it's own armor applied to it, and armor that covers all equally (for a fraction of a price if buying all four pieces separately) exists and will be available. Also, each piece is upgradable.

Now, when you fire a weapon, you should first note that ground combat will also use a grid system. And thus your weapons have a range.

Most basic projectile weapons won't be under 10 (which is probably more than enough to hit them) but for sake of consistency within the game system, ground combat uses it too.

Now what this means is that you can use the ground against your opponent. It's a way to emphasize formations and to think critically with your teammates. You can design combat formations beforehand and call them (or have them automatically used if you prefer) and modify them in battle. It only takes one turn to change formation, so if you have four players on the field, you tell your first player to reorder the formation, and then the three remaining still have free turns to attack.

For instance, look at this:

Both Nathans are out of range of the one left, even though the bottom-most Nathan seems closer.

In ground combat, being on the same plane as someone means 4 ticks are 4 ticks. But if you're on the plane above or the plane below, they have to count the tick they're on as one. For every plane you're above or below them, they have to count one tick per plane they have to move plus the one they're on.

If something is directly below them in their vertical plane, then that goes back to the way it was with horizontal planes.

And in order to initiate hand-to-hand combat, you have to be on a square directly next to them.

Now, this is probably the most complicated element in my adventure, I won't lie. So if you think it's a bit much, I won't burden it with you. If at any point anything in my adventure seems too complicated, just say so, I'll handle that portion myself, always balancing it in your favor.

My main purpose with my adventures is to tell a neat and interesting interactive story. I don't mind "holding your hand" (and I use that term loosly) through elements you think are too complicated in order for you better enjoy the story and the experience, because that's what it's all about. Not the combat. The only reason I include things like this are for if more advanced players want to have a little bit of critical thinking to their battles, because I know I enjoy it myself. But at the same time, I don't plan on alienating people or making it any less fun.

snkk that's hilarious

Bleh bleh I never do anything anymore, might as well jump on board. The purple cape is his regular attire.

Name: Nikolas
Race: Human
Skills: Dual wields two laser pistols. Flying ace.
Desired Position: Pilot
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Faction supported: Federation
Backstory: [n/a]
Personality: Reckless, roostery, gets in over his head.
Flaws/Weaknesses: See personality.

Ok! We're getting a few steps closer to starting. We have a good number of people wanting to join, which is cool. Though some of your desired positions might have to be altered because you can't all be the same thing. So if you wouldn't mind putting a second or even a third choice for positions on your applications, I can guarantee you a spot in the adventure.

Now, on to this, the ship has been constructed:

She's a good looking vessel, not much, but it's a good start (we'll be able to upgrade her with newer parts and such later).

So now she needs two things.

One, a weapons system, you can pick between two for now (they'll come standard and free as it's best you share a collective pool of the 600 left over credits until you get paid again).

An A-class plasma laser (+30 damage, -10 power, range of 6 spread of 4) and B-class proton torcreepes (+10 damage, -5 power, range of 11 spread of 1)


A B-class plasma laser (+20 damage, -10 power, range of 3 spread of 2) and A-class proton torcreepes (+20 damage, -5 power, range of 10 and spread of 2)

And secondly, the ship needs a name.

"Insert famous spaceship name here"
and the first one