
Space miners are cunts.

They're misunderstood.
4 (33.3%)
They're cunts.
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Space Endeavour  (Read 11529 times)

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Seated before the High Votive, projected on five hologram displays, are the high council of the federation. From left to right: Councilmen Drax of Pla-lon-is IV, Councilwoman and Majority Leader Cleevra of Eexoc, High Chairman and Minority Leader Doorgas of Aeroftui Prime, Councilmen Regis of Earth, and Councilwomen Leeroan of Sarlecixus.

High Votive: Prestigious gentlemen and gentlewomen of the Council, allow me to start this meeting by saying how wonderful it is to see all of you survive not only the war, but the horror of reelection!

Concilmen Drax: Mr. Votive, we haven't time for your unbearable sense of humor, more pressing issues are of concern.

High Votive: Ah, yes, yes of course. As you're all aware, today marks the one year anniversary of the defeat of the rebellious Republic and the first Council meeting of the new term. To mark this great occasion, I come bearing good news to your wishes of a new campaign of exploration! Scrounging up funds were, uhm... tedious and rather unpleasant. Most of the treasury has been depleted and the war chest is completely empty. I did act upon your approval of a tax hike, which did not go over well on the lower-class systems, mainly Drailous III and Eeroth.

Councilwomen Leeroan: Those are the planets who asked last term for the increase in FTL trade routes?

High Votive: Yes, but they were somewhat more willing to cooperate when I told them what the Endeavour Project would bring.

High Chairman Doorgas: The Endeavour project is not a political soapbox. We are not promising that it will yield anything other than a few scientific answers. I assume then, as promised, you were able to scrounge up the demoted crew of ex-military and law enforcement rather than the elite crew once promised?

High Votive: For the most part yes.

Councilwomen Cleevra: Ah, yes. The Captain. He hasn't been properly sworn in yet, has he?

Councilmen Regis: But he is from Earth, yes? We specifically asked for the Captain to be from Earth.

Concilmen Drax: Yes, he's from Earth.

High Chairman Doorgas: Good. Then we're all in agreement. Mr. Votive, you have your orders. All we need now is a mission objective for the new ship to cut its teeth on. There are some cargo freights set to cross into Suixjen-pirate controlled space. They're beam armed vessels, but they lack in projectiles and shielding. If they're attacked by pirates we'll lose their shipments of Omega, and that may be the last of it what with losing most of it during the war. Until we reopen Omega cores on the mining systems we lost to the Republic, we need to stockpile as much of it as we can. The Endeavour will provide escort. All in favor?

Concilmen Drax: Aye.

Councilwomen Cleevra: Aye.

Councilmen Regis: Aye.

Councilwomen Leeroan: Aye.

High Chairman Doorgas: And I am aye as well. Motion passed. Mr. Votive, you are free to conduct the ceremony.

Later that day, the Votive meets with Admiral Cox (also of Earth).

You are the honored Captain of a new ship, The Endeavour. Today is her maiden voyage and a test of the resolve of her Captain and crew.

Admiral Cox: Ah, there you are. Captain... sorry, what was your name again?

What shall you tell him is your name?

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« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 01:30:39 PM by Swholli »

You messed up your italics thing!

Name should be Howitzer

Well he'd be Captain House.

Captain Gregory House.

Captain John Carmichael

Captain Joe Rall
Captain John Carmichael
Captain Gregory House.

^why are their first names captain

Adonirum Uvonli (add-uh-NEAR-um eu-vahn-lee)

Adonirum Uvonli (add-uh-NEAR-um eu-vahn-lee)

you know that the captain is human, not alturian, right?

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Captain House: Captain Gregory House, sir. I was a Lieutenant back when you were Captain of The Leviathan.

Admiral Cox: Well, congratulations on the promotion. I wish I could say that The Endeavour was a bigger, better ship than The Leviathan, but you know how those Councilmen are.

Captain House: Of course, sir.

The two of you shake hands.

After you pull away, in your hand is an official Captain's badge (it acts as a communications device as well as a sign of rank).

Admiral Cox: I suppose you'd best be going then. Do you know the correct procedure?

Captain House: Of course, sir. Endeavour? This is your Captain, Gregory House. Request beaming to my coordinates.

With a flash and a high pitched hum, your molecules are spread apart at a sub atomic level and rearranged instantaneously on the bridge of The Endeavour.

She's your ship now and you have your orders.

What's your first order of business, Captain?

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« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 10:50:53 PM by Swholli »