Author Topic: ColorBlindness Getting Worse  (Read 1401 times)

So, as a few of you may know i am Red-Green color blind. Now, a while ago this wasn't effecting me too much. I mean i had problems playing certain games like Killzone 3 and Blackops, but that was mostly the games fault and they were still playable.

Well is has gotten worse. I'm having trouble seeing the most basic of things and focusing on color in real life and in-game.

I can no longer play KZ3 because the whole game is just impossible to see through until the enemies are literally right on top of me. Any call of duty game is now a major stress to even attempt online. Battlefield 3 has to be one of the worse, without any kind of auto-aim help i can't see enemies fast enough, or even notice them.

I was wandering if anyone knew of a support for an Amd graphics card to help with my colorblindness in-game. It sounds stupid but i would just really love to be able to enjoy seeing things again.

I'm just really tired of this problem. :I

i know mw3 had a color blind fix built right into the settings.

but there are stufftons of custom video drivers out there.

Well I know that on many desktop monitors you can adjust the color hue of the entire monitor, so you could make everything shades of blue.

i know mw3 had a color blind fix built right into the settings.

but there are stufftons of custom video drivers out there.
Well, changing the name color is nice, it doesn't help whatsoever.
Everything is still a blob of disgusting green and i hate it.

huh. I always thought that like... you wouldn't even know you were colorblind. it's kind of hard to explain.

huh. I always thought that like... you wouldn't even know you were colorblind. it's kind of hard to explain.
I've taken 10+ tests. I got the trait from my father, like many of my other traits like my lazy left eye.

At this rate, i'll be terribly colorblind by the age of 24.

So, as a few of you may know i am Red-Green color blind.
whoa look someone new joined the forums

> VincentTheGuy


oh my god there's no red in these drawings is there

I've taken 10+ tests. I got the trait from my father, like many of my other traits like my lazy left eye.

At this rate, i'll be terribly colorblind by the age of 24.
well, that sucks.

I always though that, well, for example, you're in school being taught colors and whatnot, and the teacher says "okay, class, this color is red." yes, you would see it as green, but you wouldn't know one way or another. I don't explain these kinds of things well, sorry.

I didn't read the whole thing, sorry. That sucks a lot.

My uncle is fully color blind and my grand father cant see greens.

My dad can't see the difference between yellow and green
I carry none of those genes though

whoa look someone new joined the forums

> VincentTheGuy


oh my god there's no red in these drawings is there
Please don't tell me you're one of the people who think the color just magically disappears for colorblind people.

I try to use colors i can't quite comprehend as much as possible to make myself feel more reassured about them. But then when i try to use other colors i have troubles telling if they are too bright or they clash too much.

Why do furries exist.
Sorry for what he used as examples. I honestly would have chosen from a larger collection of less inappropriate things.

But lets not bring furries up please.

Sorry for what he used as examples. I honestly would have chosen from a larger collection of less inappropriate things.

But lets not bring furries up please.
But everything on your dA is furry :/