Author Topic: Player-to-Player Teleport  (Read 2707 times)

Couldn't find one, so I made one myself.

/teleport [player] [target player]

Emitter is Player Teleport C.

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« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 01:57:48 PM by danny135 »

Why not just use Script_RTP by Wrapperup (Request Teleport)

Seems less abusive than this.

messageClient(%client,'',"<color:FFFF00>Teleported<color:FF0000>" SPC %p1 SPC "<color:FFFF00>to<color:00FF00>" SPC %p2 @ "<color:FFFF00>."); No. You should do messageClient(%client,'',"<color:FFFF00>Teleported<color:FF0000>" SPC SPC "<color:FFFF00>to<color:00FF00>" SPC @ "<color:FFFF00>."); because the person may not have entered their full names.

Seems less abusive than this.
It's probably an admin command.

Thought it was obvious this would be admin only.

No. You should do -code- because the person may not have entered their full names.
Yeah I noticed that, but didn't really pay attention to it. Updated, though.

Forcibly making players going to other players?

It's like fetch except advanced.

Good job.

Some suggestions.

Add a shorter command option like this:

Code: [Select]
function serverCmdTele(%client)

Make the wording clearer like this:

Code: [Select]
else if(!isObject(%victim.player))
messageclient(%client,'',"<color:FF0000>Teleporting player not found.");
else if(!isObject(%target.player))
messageclient(%client,'',"<color:FF0000>Destination player not found.");


Code: [Select]
else if(%p2 $= "")
messageclient(%client,'',"<color:FFFFFF>Usage: <color:FF0000>/teleport or /tele [Teleporting Player] [Desination Player]");

i fail to see how this isn't /find ?

i fail to see how this isn't /find ?

/find x brings you to x
/fetch x brings x to you
/teleport x y brings x to y

/find x brings you to x
/fetch x brings x to you
/teleport x y brings x to y
oh right