Author Topic: Glass got banned within ten days of making an account.  (Read 9219 times)

I don't understand why Badspot just doesn't ban his new account each times he makes one, or it's discovered that it's his alt. He's been banned "permanently" so many times now, it's obvious he's a problem and shouldn't be allowed to post on these forums.

I don't understand why Badspot just doesn't ban his new account each times he makes one, or it's discovered that it's his alt. He's been banned so many times now "permanently," it's obvious he's a problem and shouldn't be allowed to post on these forums.


Like it was just mentioned though, Glass buys keys off of friends for permission to use it for a forum account. So Badspot isn't earning anything from previously sold keys. So that's not really a motive anymore to let him make accounts.


I thought we already established that Badspot doesn't get any money from his moronic escapades on the forum.

Jesus H. Christ, how much money has he lost doing this already?

I thought we already established that Badspot doesn't get any money from his moronic escapades on the forum.

I thought he said he spent $1200

Isn't key sharing a revocable offence or...?

1300$. 65x20=1300 so thats about 65 accounts hes made or taken and 1300 dollars badspot made out of those accounts.

Jesus H. Christ, how much money has he lost doing this already?
So did you not read the topic at all or what

Jesus H. Christ, how much money has he lost doing this already?

He hasn't lost anything. He gets $50 a week for an allowance, so he buys keys from his friends to use on the forum.
He's a spoiled stuff who basically can't be banned, and it's outrageous how it's completely fine.

1300$. 65x20=1300 so thats about 65 accounts hes made or taken and 1300 dollars badspot made out of those accounts.

I find it kind of weird that Badspot just bans him permanently now, instead of 1 or 3 week bans

I thought he said he spent $1200

he probably did spend that money, but not all of it was spent buying keys from the blockland website.

Isn't key sharing a revocable offence or...?
He isn't sharing keys. He traded them for something else.

Badspot makes no money off my bans. I pay people with existing accounts for the key and use that for the forum, I got tired of funding Badspot. I'm not as stupid as you all think, lol.
you might just be banned for this too...

I find it kind of weird that Badspot just bans him permanently now, instead of 1 or 3 week bans

He's been banned so many times that he doesn't deserve a 1 week ban.