Author Topic: Coding challenge?  (Read 2494 times)

Structure it like this maybe?
Hmm, that may be better. Ill have to think about it.
This is better for a bunch of little challenges but at first I was looking at one large challenge.
I think I might do that but with a big challenge and then split it all up into little chunks.

I'd love a scripting library challenge. After all, it'd benefit the community too.

I'd love a scripting library challenge. After all, it'd benefit the community too.
even better: scripting tut mixed with library that goes over the more advanced functions and ways to put things together so total noobs at coding like me don't have to waste stufftons of time just figuring out how things work. (although TS is pretty easy to read)

another suggestion would be to create a coding platform for TS (if it hasn't been done before) that helps coders debug and do test runs without having to restart blockland an innumerable amount of times.

another suggestion would be to create a coding platform for TS (if it hasn't been done before) that helps coders debug and do test runs without having to restart blockland an innumerable amount of times.

Like this?

TorqueDev can already do that.

TorqueDev can already do that.
Isn't their site down, though?

Round 1: Everyone
Category: Scripting Library/Modder tools
Adds tons of functions, objects, what have you to help the modding community, please document your work (Ill put together a template perhaps for people to follow)
It is preferred that you comment as well but not necessary.

INCLUDE AS MUCH CLIENT-SIDED CODE AS YOU WANT! We might be able to distribute this to enough people to allow us modders to have additional functionality without having the client download tons of different client side addons.
Examples of things to code include:
  • A system to handle more advanced gui on the client
  • Something else
  • I don't know someone give me some ideas here, I seem to be out :(

What do you guys think? This is just my thoughts at the moment. Ill make a modification discussion topic with all the details for you coders and then a general discussion topic to announce it + the place where everyone votes. Ill make it all look cool with graphics and what have you as well :)
The first round will be long in order to give people who join late a chance to actually compete. It will also allow everyone in the first round to move on so that the newbies and late people have a chance in the second round. The first round will hopefully compile a ton of cool stuff all in one mod both serversided and clientsided that we can release.
Of course, this is all if everything goes 100% to plan, which it wont ;)

Oh btw, if anyone wants to volunteer to be someone i can bounce ideas off of...?

I'm not sure about that idea, lol. I was thinking maybe something more beneficial to blockland and the everyday players. Libraries are cool, but 13 year old Jacob who isn't into programming, won't care too much for it.

Just my thoughts.

I'm not sure about that idea, lol. I was thinking maybe something more beneficial to blockland and the everyday players. Libraries are cool, but 13 year old Jacob who isn't into programming, won't care too much for it.

Just my thoughts.
Hint, round 2 is gamemodes or something along those lines.
Maybe an addition to the game itself. A new building mechanic?

This is why I dont drop anyone out unitl round 2, I really want to help the community, and make it competitive. Round 1 just kinda determines the caliber of team you're going to be on for round 2 and it also helps out the modding community. Round 2 will benefit the entire community. Round 3+ im not sure yet but again, I have some more ideas in mind.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2013, 06:08:28 PM by DYLANzzz »

I feel you should narrow the scope of round 1. Getting participants to just create, then dump, odd libraries for the game isn't going to significantly benefit the community and it will all but impossible to measure everyone's success if the entries offer vastly different functionality. Perhaps you could make it a requirement that whatever library(s) teams make must be used in the subsequent rounds in a meaningful way.

For round 2 I suggest you discourage, or prohibit, gamemodes in which combat plays a key role; Blockland already has plenty of deathmatch extensions.

I feel you should narrow the scope of round 1. Getting participants to just create, then dump, odd libraries for the game isn't going to significantly benefit the community and it will all but impossible to measure everyone's success if the entries offer vastly different functionality. Perhaps you could make it a requirement that whatever library(s) teams make must be used in the subsequent rounds in a meaningful way.

For round 2 I suggest you discourage, or prohibit, gamemodes in which combat plays a key role; Blockland already has plenty of deathmatch extensions.
I shall keep this in mind, especially the second one, I really like that idea

elm there are starving uxie's out there that need monies. dont be wasting them on coding challenges that uxie can't win :(

elm there are starving uxie's out there that need monies. dont be wasting them on coding challenges that uxie can't win :(

Lol, I have a lot more money sitting in an account just for you. I'm still waiting on those armor models...

What about a special kind of Gamemode scripting challenge?  I think that Blockland could use a bit more variety.  For instance, I think a gameshow server might be neat.