Author Topic: Accepting Requests [Locked]  (Read 38125 times)

Okay, could you take the old bot events and take the SetAppearance and PlayAnimation events and isolate them to be a stand alone mod?

Okay, could you take the old bot events and take the SetAppearance and PlayAnimation events and isolate them to be a stand alone mod?
done, download in op
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 07:45:29 PM by MARBLE MAN »

No it doesn't
I thought it did..?


server doesn't send any of this.

Might have to ask ephi to add this feature to RTB if you want it to be ok :P
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 07:46:57 PM by MARBLE MAN »

Personal requests:
 A model that looks like the blockhead's hand to use in a projectile.
 (or just a projectile that looks like the blockhead's hand)

 Modular load system.
    Assemble a list of 'pieces' to be loaded - which will probably be duplications or something.
     Each piece has a rotation and a location.
    Load all of them as if normally loaded.
   EG: Load pieces [Wall 0 0 0 1, Wall 16 0 0 2, Floor 0 0 -1 0] At 0 0 1 0 Step 2 1 1
   in Torquescript: $parts = "Wall,0,0,0,1;Wall,16,0,0,2;Floor,0,0,-1,0;";
                             loadPcs($parts, "0 0 1 0", "2 1 1");
          translates to:
                                  Load the save 'Wall' at 0 0 0, with a 90* rotation.
                                  Load the save 'Wall' at 16 0 0, with a 180* rotation.
                                  Load the save 'Floor' at 0 0 -1, with no rotation.
                                      All of these saves will be moved one plate up.
                                      The coordinates to load the saves at will be multiplied by 2, 1, and 1...
                                        So the second wall will really load at 32 0 0.

Other ideas:
 Killscene (think skyrim) - during a kill under strange circumstances, say in a TDM, zoom both clients in and add a vignette.
 Zipline Item

Personal requests:
 A model that looks like the blockhead's hand to use in a projectile.
 (or just a projectile that looks like the blockhead's hand)

 Modular load system.
    Assemble a list of 'pieces' to be loaded - which will probably be duplications or something.
     Each piece has a rotation and a location.
    Load all of them as if normally loaded.
   EG: Load pieces [Wall 0 0 0 1, Wall 16 0 0 2, Floor 0 0 -1 0] At 0 0 1 0 Step 2 1 1
   in Torquescript: $parts = "Wall,0,0,0,1;Wall,16,0,0,2;Floor,0,0,-1,0;";
                             loadPcs($parts, "0 0 1 0", "2 1 1");
          translates to:
                                  Load the save 'Wall' at 0 0 0, with a 90* rotation.
                                  Load the save 'Wall' at 16 0 0, with a 180* rotation.
                                  Load the save 'Floor' at 0 0 -1, with no rotation.
                                      All of these saves will be moved one plate up.
                                      The coordinates to load the saves at will be multiplied by 2, 1, and 1...
                                        So the second wall will really load at 32 0 0.

Other ideas:
 Killscene (think skyrim) - during a kill under strange circumstances, say in a TDM, zoom both clients in and add a vignette.
 Zipline Item
Sounds cool, might do some
I'm making the hand projectile right now! done, posted in OP
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 08:31:08 PM by MARBLE MAN »

I can model, i'm just not great at it (I can't compare myself to filippe or demian)
I would like if you made some sort of pepper spray item that is like a mini paint can

Can you do animations?

I haven't tried animating before, but I have someone who can show me.  Thanks for considering all of the above things.

If you do an inventory system, a GUI would be extremely useful for it.  It would also need events to go along with it.  Events to add items to the inventory based on the slot or the specific item, remove items (again, slot or specific), empty inventory, yadda yadda.  The inventory would have to be separate from the "inventory" that's default.  (The playertype item slots are called an inventory by Badspot).

Is it possible to help with the GUIs?  Or is that "meh" quality you said you have based on the script?  I mean, art-wise, I can accomplish that "pretty" factor if you'll aim me in the right direction.

Edit:  Forgot to mention, I'll try to do the pepper spray item for you just not today.  And if you can add to the existing screen prints without requiring every joining player to have to download something then that is exactly what I want.  If not, don't worry about it as I've already been told about the difficulty with making such a thing.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2013, 09:38:35 PM by Jerkface »

I would like if you made some sort of pepper spray item that is like a mini paint can

It's a simple model, but it should be fine for a simple pepper spray bottle.

It's easily modifiable, and I included everything in the zip so you can just open it up and change it around.  (.msd, .dts)
Of course, you can convert the Milkshape document if you don't use Milkshape.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 11:30:41 PM by Jerkface »

I use shaper for my models, works great.

I require a relatively simple addon - one that, when started with, say, /starttime, announces an RP Year every 10 minutes (able to be set by RTB) and always adds 1 to this year variable every interval.

386 AD

AD can be changed from RTB preferences, but is default.

I need this addon because it can keep going even when im not on the server.

/starttime - Starts counting.
/endtime - Ends counting.
/cleartime - Sets year back to 0.

All commands are host only.

This is relatively simple. Can you do it? It doesn't need any external resources, like models.

Oh, it'd help if I could somehow change the font, size, and color the displayed message uses.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 02:57:23 AM by Randomness »

I require a relatively simple addon - one that, when started with, say, /starttime, announces an RP Year every 10 minutes (able to be set by RTB) and always adds 1 to this year variable every interval.

AD can be changed from RTB preferences, but is default.

I need this addon because it can keep going even when im not on the server.

/starttime - Starts counting.
/endtime - Ends counting.
/cleartime - Sets year back to 0.

All commands are host only.

This is relatively simple. Can you do it? It doesn't need any external resources, like models.

Oh, it'd help if I could somehow change the font, size, and color the displayed message uses.
that is pretty easy. Will do tomorrow.

I use shaper for my models, works great.
I use shaper to port from dts to ascii ms3d and I use milkshape from there to finish.