Author Topic: A Belief in "Relativistic Omnitheism"  (Read 381 times)

This is not a religion war thread. I don't want it to be, so please don't make it one.

So basically I'm not sure if anyone else here has had this thought, or if anybody really believes in relativity and stuff. I'm wondering if there's a correct, concise term for the idea that it's possible that all religions could be right about any number of higher deities, because the humans who started those religions were describing the god(s) or goddess(es) from their individual point of view and perception of the being(s). I'll try to explain; forgive me if I complicate it further.
Say that the Christian God and the full set of Greek god(s)/goddess(es) are really both the higher being(s), but the people who first told others about the idea of these needed a way to embody them as something more explainable and tangible, so they each explained them in their own way based on their understanding of this being and the medium's understanding of the world around them. Note that the set of gods included is not limited to these two examples, but instead all proposed ones (possibly even including FSM -- there are some crazy drugs out there, anyway...)

This is a thought I had several years ago, but more recently came back to me and developed a bit. I'm unsure what this would be called, so I resorted to making up words for it and googling them. These consist of things like "Omnireligious", "Omnitheism", "Theistic relativity", etc. Most of them seem to get at what i'm saying but not quite be on target. Any ideas, forums?

so your basicly saying every god is actually the same god but everyone is a different breed of nuts and believes in one omnipotent god that is actually all the gods combined?

I actually kind of thought it was this way too, lol.
I always think of the main god of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism as the boss and all the other gods as his co-workers that he takes all the credit for.

nvm lol misread it completely

So like

It's a Giant vending machine of snacks

and everyone gets a separate snack from it and calls it god

even though the snacks are all of the superior snack machine

So like

It's a Giant vending machine of snacks

and everyone gets a separate snack from it and calls it god

even though the snacks are all of the superior snack machine
I guess that's one way to put it.

so your basicly saying every god is actually the same god but everyone is a different breed of nuts and believes in one omnipotent god that is actually all the gods combined?
And vice versa. I tried to be nonspecific about numbers because that's sort of part of the idea.