Author Topic: Furdle's Model's (Nooby Stage)  (Read 1975 times)

Ooh cool. I got an idea for a weapon- a knife with TNT strapped to the handle/upper blade. It can be a Self Delete item, a throw item, or a one use only thing, etc.

Im trying to really model for SPO's Western RP, and I don't want to be sidetracked... but that idea does sound crazy handicapped haha :)

Are you still applying to SPO?

I don't think that he ever actually "applied" in the first place.

I don't think that he ever actually "applied" in the first place.

Actually, Mr Nobody is currently applying to SPO.
Anyway, its none of your business.

Im trying to really model for SPO's Western RP, and I don't want to be sidetracked... but that idea does sound crazy handicapped haha :)
... It is a western thing, Im not suggesting it for my own use. And no, it is not handicapped, it could have been used, and probably was.

not great, but very good for a first/second/third model

... It is a western thing, Im not suggesting it for my own use. And no, it is not handicapped, it could have been used, and probably was.
I dont think anyone tied dynamite to a knife, as dynamite is very explosive, and the smallest bash could set it off. plus they would have to time it exactly if they wanted to kill themselves. it doesnt make any logical sense.

Strip c4 and a small remote spark thing to a long a thin knife, and you got the ultimate sticky remote charge.

Are you still applying to SPO?

Talked to Pass.
I agreed to help.

So technically, yes.

I don't know if I'm okay with this, or if I'm horrified.

It's a good start either way.

Revolver handle is too big and moonshine is being held with very little hand support.

Im going to attempt to make a weapon pack of medieval swords for Erik :)

Why have I got a feeling you've been playing Red Dead Redemption lately...

Why have I got a feeling you've been playing Red Dead Redemption lately...

Because, Mr Marston, I have.