Author Topic: Stop asking for evidence  (Read 4710 times)

What the hell, people lie in drama topics all the time.

There isn't really any way to prove prove it, but the more reasonable evidence you show the less likely that you are lying. A picture can be faked, but it isn't too often. A video would be pretty hard to fake unless you had a lot of people helping you out, so it reduces the chance that person is lying by a lot.
The person being drama will have a lot to say if the OP completely forged chat.

Do you think someone would post a untrue drama?
It's happened many, many times.

I would post the link to the guy who lied about dieing on the Forums but I got banned for it.

Is OP kidding, I can't tell?
My first thought ^
My thoughts after reading through drama topic v

Stupid as forget. Not even able to fathom this thought process. No. Drama topics should be structured. This isn't kiddy stuff where you can cry wolf on someone. When people do that, and that had happened a LOT lately, they get caught, and then people perma their ID, block them or just overall shun them. Dramas are much more serious than an off topic, in terms of your credibility and whether or not people think you're a dumbass.

 This drama's OP makes me so mad. It's bad enough when people don't post evidence and expect everyone to go "OH HEY OP DOESN'T LIKE THIS GUY, BETTER BAN HIM!" It's loving mind blowing when someone says NOBODY needs evidence. There is evidence for everything.

-blah dumbass snip-
It's not possible to add valid evidence to drama topics.

It's not possible to add valid evidence to drama topics.
it is possible to add valid evidence (true evidence) but it is also capable of someone to fake evidence and make it look real

still not an excuse to not have evidence needed
and I'm pretty sure you should have witnesses there on the server who saw it happen
fake those too?

It's not possible to add valid evidence to drama topics.
I don't even know where to begin to start with this. Allow me to link you to just a few of the slightly CREDIBLE dramas I have either seen, supported or been a part of.

I'll give you two arguments, tell me which one sounds more credible

Joebobbilly and I were playing on a city RPG server this one time. Joebobbilly is a super admin, and I was walking down the road with an AK69 and I shot his dog. He proceeded to call me a noob and then perma banned him, even though it was clearly a mistake and he called me a noob so he should be de-admined and banned
So I was on JoeShmoe's City RPG server. The server is pretty straight forward, just like any other City RPG. Make money, get drugs, get guns, be all-powerful. So I'm walking along this road right? Minding my own business... And one of the Super Admins flies by in a G4Y-bomber. This was Joebobbilly's first time coming into contact with me. He narrowly missed me by a few studs, but I wasn't too concerned.
So I kept on walking, when I came upon a bot with a dog body. It started biting me, so out of desperation and not wanting to lose the money I had on me, I shot the dog, killing it. Somehow, Joebobbilly knew of this instantly, and came at me with his bomber. He bombed me once, then exclaimed "NOOB WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU ARE YOU handicapped?!1!" I proceeded to kindly explain that this was all a misunderstanding, and that his dog attacked me first,  but before I could even begin typing out my counter-argument, I was perma-banned for the reason "TROLL friend GTFO"

Your call, really. If you wanna make a drama like argument one, be my guest.
Just prepare to taste the fury of the forums when they stuff down your throat in a fury of PICS OR NOP
And I'll be there to whisper in your ear... I told you so~