
Author Topic: freek  (Read 13117 times)

is it not obvious that kaiiu is a troll

I just thought he was stupid to be honest.

But then I scrolled through his most recent posts.

freek is a white knight. you're just mad because im calling out your boy. back down d-rider. let freek (who is too scared to post) defend himself.
First of all, he is not a white knight. That part of the debate is over.

Second of all, Freek is not scared. HE'S OFFLINE! Even if he was online, he would be doing the right thing by not posting.

Finally, you are... the worst troll/idiot ever. I do not know if you are a troll, but if you are, stop.

let freek (who is too scared to post) defend himself.
If you must know, I've had no internet for the past hour so no, I'm not posting because I'm too scared or anything.

Even if this guy's a troll,
my hope in humanity is decreasing with every idiot I find.

Let's just hope that natural selection takes care of them.

Let's just hope that natural selection takes care of them.

Peppy Hare wishes you good luck with that notion.

Kaiiu you have no room to talk,

The only loving topics you post are about your stupid sports and how much you hate a certain team.

you post one every other week and all you do is post a few whiny sentences about how your team isn't winning.

freek is a whiteknight bottomline
you are a troll bottomline

Dude stop freek's a nice guy and the white knight thing is old man drop it

First of all, he is not a white knight. That part of the debate is over.

Second of all, Freek is not scared. HE'S OFFLINE! Even if he was online, he would be doing the right thing by not posting.

Finally, you are... the worst troll/idiot ever. I do not know if you are a troll, but if you are, stop.
you're irrevalent. a clown go play in your sandbox kiddo.
Kaiiu you have no room to talk,

The only loving topics you post are about your stupid sports and how much you hate a certain team.

you post one every other week and all you do is post a few whiny sentences about how your team isn't winning.

one of my posts >>>>>>>>>>>> your whole career on the BL forums
come on guys. you need to d-ride your boy bcuz he cant defend himself. freek scared af. all the points in this drama are 100% true. no joke

Back to being a stupid troll, eh Troopa?

one of my posts >>>>>>>>>>>> your whole career on the BL forums
Lol you are obviously trolling now.
Just face the fact that your drama backfired and stop replying and let it die.

Lol you are obviously trolling now.
Just face the fact that your drama backfired and stop replying and let it die.

nothing backfired. freek's fanboys (the ones that laugh at his stupid humor) are trying to save him now. even pitted against many CKT still wins tho. freek is so scared he won't even post. he's probably defending bubba from some rowdy internet boys though!!

you can always just feel it in your gut if someone's trolling or not

and I don't think kaiiu's trolling

idk :/

freek is so scared he won't even post.
What the forget, stop using this as an excuse. I'm not on the computer 24/7 and can't post while I'm asleep you prick.

freek's still pretty dumb though...