Author Topic: FBI virus  (Read 904 times)

     Alright. So, has anyone heard of a computer virus dubbed the FBI virus, also called the 'violation of federal law' virus? If yes, read at your leisure. If no, you should look it up. It apparently creeps into your computer, and suddenly forces an irremovable popup that says that the FBI has locked up your computer and you must pay via moneypak. That pretty much gave away that it wasn't a virus, and luckily my father is a computer nerd and took it out like Bruce Lee did to Chuck Norris.
     Anywhoo, why I typed it up is I wanted to ask this: Does anyone know if this virus is dormant or acts as soon as it infects? I'm asking this because it happened the moment I downloaded something, yet I don't want to feel like I'm blaming said site for infecting my computer; it could've been coincidence!

it's called ransomware and you got it because you clicked on a link that led to a virus.

if you were somewhere you shouldn't have been in the first place I wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly activated.

It's payload is instant from what I know.

It's definitely an instant payload - it's ransomware, they want your money and your information as soon as they can get their dirty hands on it; no delay.

Instant? Oh god. Please don't tell me the site is infected?

And yes. I was on the forums (here) when I got it. I don't know why I omitted that, it's the download owner I don't want to blame.

Is the download owner directly linked to the forums? Because if they are, you could get them banned or arrested for giving you a virus that takes away a piece of your income or information.

Hmm, I wouldn't say directly. Even yes/no, I don't think the person even realized it was there because no one else seemed to have it, so it may just have creeped into my system from the page itself somehow. Also, the amount of stress that would be put upon me after doing such would be bigger than infinity. That's also why I asked if it was dormant, since I'm hoping it was not from this site at all.

Yeah I've had this before. Turned on my webcam 'supposedly' to spy on me but it's fake.

So someone here linked you to a virus? What were you trying to download?

I might have read that wrong but that's what I got from it.

It could be that the site this person was hosting their files from could have been distributing the virus. It's probably best if you tell us where it came from so that said person can change their link. I don't think anyone would think said user made the virus or was distributing it intentionally.

If it's this dangerous then it would be logical to report where you got it.

Obviously, you didn't get it from the forums... you got it from downloading research or something else that seemed enticing to you at the time.

I've had one. Malwarebytes did the trick

I've had one. Malwarebytes did the trick
I do believe the one he's talking about pops up the moment you start up, locks your computer, and then blocks Task manager, so there's no way to run an AV. Rogueamp on YouTube showed a lot of ways to get around moneypaks.