Author Topic: Bitcoins renewed  (Read 11411 times)

So if anyone has been paying attention bitcoins are now worth a lot. I just sold 1.35 bitcoin for $60.20 :D

If anyone wants to send me bitcoins I can buy you steam games or something else over the internet.

my original write up
Bitcoins are the first peer-to-peer currency; money created by people, instead of governments and banks. Bitcoins are rare, and it is easy (and free) to send and receive bitcoins.
Bitcoins are an online-only digital currency, and have existed since January 3, 2009, when the first bitcoin was generated. In the year 2140, the final bitcoin will be generated. Once the final Bitcoin is generated, there will be a total of 21 million Bitcoins.
Bitcoin is exciting and unique because it is decentralized; there is no central administrator or issuer. This makes the Bitcoin currency impossible for governments or powerful entities to control or manipulate the supply, and there is no single point of failure.

Get Started with bitcoin wallet

Download the bitcoin client and start your wallet at It will automatically create a wallet for you and start downloading the transaction history. once it stops downloading blocks you are ready to use bitcoin.
Making a Purchase

List of bitcoin accepting sites
to find more try searching for them on your favorite search engine.
Start Generating bitcoin with Mining

To efficiently mine bitcoins you need a fairly high end graphics card (gpu) here is a list of mining hardware
once you have your mining hardware all set up you need a mining program. I recommend this gui miner
mining can be done alone, Read here to learn how to solo mine.
mining can also be done with a group of miners. This is called pooled mining. Solo mining takes a long time to receive any bitcoin so, I recommend joining a pool so you can generate a steady amount of bitcoin.
I am currently mining with this pool it has a nice distribution and I have mined a good amount of coins.
bitcoin games
You can find more gambling games on the bitcoin forum
visit the bitcoin wiki and forum

What's the purpose of a bitcoin?

What's the purpose of a bitcoin?
Its just another form of currency, mainly used on the internet.

I think I might buy one of those Debit-Card style things from Wal-Mart so I can make internet purchases.

How long does it take 1 person to mine a Bitcoin?

How long does it take 1 person to mine a Bitcoin?
From what I can tell, I can't find it on the wiki.

How do you "mine" a bitcoin.

How do you "mine" a bitcoin.
Pretty sure you just leave the client up. Maybe.

How long does it take 1 person to mine a Bitcoin?
I think it depends on your hardware.

wait so this is basically free money?

Mining bitcoins yourself is probably not a good tactic; it's better to mine in a pool even with the "taxes" associated with mining in a pool.

Mining bitcoins yourself is probably not a good tactic; it's better to mine in a pool even with the "taxes" associated with mining in a pool.

wait wtf is this

so you join a pool of people mining and you get bitcoins faster than if you solo it

but you have to pay taxes?!

Wait so again, what's a bitcoin?

Free money?

Holy forget, downloading myself a wallet.