Author Topic: Save Trust and console/smartphone port will NEVER happen  (Read 1307 times)

It has been stated again and again by several people and are complete wastes of forum topics, but I think there needs to be another topic about this. Do NOT suggest Save Trust or Blockland on anything besides Windows, Mac, maybe Linux or ported from its current engine - they will never be features. Badspot and many of the other mods have steadfastly refused to implement these features, and here's why.

Blockland port to Android/iPhone/Xbox/PS3/etc & Torque3D
Reality check:  I worked for garage games for a year.  Kompressor was the Torque technologies director for like 5 years.  We both think "upgrading" to Torque3D is a bad idea.
In light of it being requested on Android I have two things to say:

First and foremost, forget SAKE

Dear sir or madame,

If you are thinking about requesting that Blockland is ported to another system, such as the XBox 360/PS3, Wii, tablets or smartphones, or anything else which does not, generally speaking, use a mouse and keyboard, I would like you to take into consideration the following:
  • Firstly, how is the game going to be controlled? Remember, you must take into account brick placement/movement, character movement, jumping, jetting, cycling tools, paints and brick selections, using the brick menu;
  • Secondly, what barriers stand in the way of distribution to these platforms; is there a manufacturer-controlled "App" store (app is not a loving word but that's another maggot-ridden corpse in the vast, bloody lake of my rants), is Badspot still able to deploy updates via his own system, is there any revenue splitting or 'taxing' going on;
  • Third and finally, can this version of TGE be ported to this other platform?

Now, if you are too dim to answer even one of these questions with a decent answer, do not post and probably go read a book or something, jesus. But out of mercy, I will answer one question for you; the answer to question number three is no. No code is interchangeable. Every single thing, from player movement, the entire server-client ghosting system and prediction, brick rendering, the UI and physics will have to be remade. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is a lot of effort, and Blockland only totes a userbase of some ~30,000 after several years. Even with some mainstream coverage I couldn't see that growing too much if it hasn't already.

Essentially, this means that to port Blockland to another platform, the entire game needs to be reconsidered not only from a technical but also from a user standpoint, ie how you will actually play the game. Then there's licensing of appropriate technology or time and expense to write your own plus the actual time taken to adapt to those tools and make the game itself, and modding would at best be taken to an entire different language and at worst not be included. It's never going to be worth it.

So next time you're thinking how awesome you expect Blockland would be on your Call of Duty SPECIAL EDITION XBox 360noscope, stop thinking immediately.

- Your buddy, M.

P.S. @garrynewman: Playing THPS2 on the iPhone is like trying to undo a bra with your feet
The point this illustrates is that even if you would like something on something else that doesn't mean it will work. My entire post in a tweet, basically.

P.P.S. If you do post, I hope you loving choke on it.

Save Trust
Listen up noobs, saving is here to stay.  If you can't handle someone else playing with your build, grow the hell up.

If you start doing gay stuff to break my game, I'm going to start banning you from the master server.  This is a war you don't want to start because I'm the only one with nukes.  
It's a core feature of the game.  This whole topic is as dumb as those javascript crap things that try to stop you from saving images in your browser.  People like to save builds so they can look at them locally and play with them later, or maybe add on to them on their own server.  

Just because a few 12 year old dorks like to claim credit for other people's work doesn't mean you should cripple the whole game.  Just ignore those people.
There already is an option for this it's called "single player".  But seriously no one gives a stuff about your stuffty builds so please just play the goddamn game the way it is or forget off and play something else.  
This has been made impossible by design.  I am prepared to update the game to defeat any efforts to make something like this.  Go take your totalitarian power mongering to some other game.
No, I haven't seen your maze hitm4n.  You haven't posted any screenshots and you don't seem to be hosting it anywhere (oh, if only it were loaded in some other people's servers!).  You're so paranoid that you're becoming a hermit.  

It's not a matter of me not respecting your wishes as a customer, it's a matter of respecting my customer base at large.  Most of them are decent people who just want to go on servers and save builds so they can play with them.  There are a few bad apples who will try to take credit but I'm not going to cripple the game just to slow them down a little.  

Build something cool, post screenshots in the gallery, and all of the people who matter will know that you built it.  The idiots won't know, but they're idiots - nothing that you or I can do will change that.  You have to concentrate on making the experience better for the good players, not making it worse for the bad ones.  

People, please, save the community some trouble and refrain from requesting these. Save Rotondo the trouble of having to Fail Bin it, save Ephialtes that trouble, save Badspot that trouble, save us from having to drama about it any more than it already has been.

I hope this gets pinned though i expect absolutely no such thing because this could easily be fixed by a moderator posting one of these such topics. If you find misinformation, lies, or other such atrocities in this topic, please with all due haste PM me or promptly delete this topic without telling me.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 05:05:37 PM by Randomness »

No suggestions for Mac ports?
Isn't there already one?

No suggestions for Mac ports?
Isn't there already one?

I have corrected it if it wasn't obvious enough. I am referring to ports of Blockland on anything besides Windows or Mac. ...or maybe Linux.

I have corrected it if it wasn't obvious enough. I am referring to ports of Blockland on anything besides Windows or Mac. ...or maybe Linux.

Blockland already works well enough on Linux through Wine

At first i was like 'Oh look, some idiot trying to get his post sticky'd '.
Then i read it and was like 'This should be sticky'd '

Blockland already works well enough on Linux through Wine

It works perfectly that way

Bump, Not letting this topic die

Bump, Not letting this topic die

I suggested this because I saw most of my builds on other servers , people said they cant do something like this, I even suggested a console connected add-on to tell admins that someone is saving and they said it was impossible , I don't want to be a downer, just to help you out if possible...

I suggested this because I saw most of my builds on other servers

why is this a problem to you

you should be happy that people like your builds enough to use them on their servers too

why is this a problem to you

you should be happy that people like your builds enough to use them on their servers too

exactly, if i built something and other people started using that build in their servers and such, i'd be overcome with happiness and see it as a great compliment.

The only problem with these kinds of topics is that technology advances, we mature, and opinions change. Sure, at the moment these things will not happen, but who knows in the future. Having something like this stickied makes it feel "permanent" which no game designer in his right mind would want.