Author Topic: My Little Zombie: Brains are Magic  (Read 1640 times)

It had been years since the first infection. Nopony really knew exactly how long it had been and nopony seemed to bother keeping check anymore. The thriving village that had once been Ponyville was now ruins. Nothing there but charred husks and broken glass remained. Even the very earth and grass had taken on a deathly grayish shade, mirroring the sky.
The town was eerily quiet and still, with the exception of the clopping of hooves against a cobblestone road that echoed throughout the ruins. A single living earth pony was making her way through Ponyville. She was trotting down the village’s streets that she had frequented as a young filly. Back when the world was filled with vibrant colors and life. Back when the sun shone brightly during the day for more than a few hours. Back when the skies were clear and laughter filled the air.
The pony stopped at the small, pathetic gazebo in the middle of the town square. When she observed the buildings around it, she quickly discovered it was the only structure that hadn’t been burnt to its frames or viciously torn down. Even the small wooden market stands surrounding the gazebo had been broken. A stinging cold wind brushed against her rosy mess of a mane.
The filly trotted over to one of the broken stands and sighed. It was the stand her sister used to run. She used to help her on occasion, but for the most part her sister ran everything. Her sister had always been a very reliable pony. The filly rummaged slightly through the wreckage of the stall.
After a bit a shifting, she found a hat. It was made of worn tanned leather and was slightly charred. The pony gasped and gingerly lifted it by its brim. She set it down away from the wreckage and laid down next to it. She carefully nuzzled her forehead against the hat and slowly let out a few shaky, shuddering sobs. Tears began to roll out of her eyes and the sounds of her faint sobs now echoing through the sprawling ruins of Ponyville.
“...A-Applejack,” Apple Bloom said between her sobs and sniffles.

Does anyone else here like caramel?

I love caramel.

Does anyone else here like caramel?

I love caramel.

Especially with chocolate.

first a thread for snack food discussion and now a discussion about meat?

you could have just made an edible things discussion

but anyway, salami is nice

first a thread for snack food discussion and now a discussion about meat?

you could have just made an edible things discussion

but anyway, salami is nice
get your meat produce out of here

this is a sweets thread

get your meat produce out of here

this is a sweets thread
read title wrong


first a thread for snack food discussion and now a discussion about meat?

you could have just made an edible things discussion

but anyway, salami is nice

Meats should be exterminated. Nien.

Anyone else like those newfangled doritos?

Oh forget off guys, I'm working on a decent story here and I'm looking for feedback.

As Apple Bloom lay on the blighted ground of the desolate marketplace and wept into her sister’s lightly charred and forgotten leather hat, her flank remained completely bare. When the last of her tears were shed, she lifted the leather hat with her hoof and placed it on top of her head.
Deciding it was time to do what she was instructed, Apple Bloom nudged open one of her plain brown saddlebags. She dug through it and finally found a small vial filled with a murky purple liquid. Apple Bloom popped off the cork and sighed slightly.
“Well, Twi, Ah hope you were right. Here goes nothin’,” Apple Bloom muttered to herself before chugging down the entirety of the bottle. She shot up on all four hooves and started coughing. Her eyes stung and her vision swam, blurry dark spots obscuring the edges of her sight. Her stomach desperately wanted to expel the vile liquid, but this was impossible. Apple Bloom knew for a fact that, due to their anatomy, ponies are not able to vomit. At least, they’re not supposed to.
Apple Bloom instead settled for collapsing onto the ground and shuddering uncontrollably. Fortunately, it only took a few moments for the agony to subside as quickly as it had arrived. There was still a pulsing pressure on the back of her skull, but she managed to shakily recollect herself.
As she turned to walk away, Apple Bloom gave the broken-down apple cart one last long look. She shook her head and began to walk away from the town square and went down a wide city street that stretched for miles. She wasn’t exactly sure what was compelling her to go down that street. It was exceedingly large to accommodate for massive amounts of traveling ponies. Hundreds of happy ponies blissfully doing their day’s activities. However, when it was only being used by one filly, it was incredibly lonely. Aside from the occasional pile of debris, it was completely barren.
The road itself was composed of shattered dusty cobblestone. The building wreckage that lined the street, while broken and burned, stood tall. The blackened house frames seemed to loom over the maturing filly. They towered over her and seemed to bear down upon her, making Apple Bloom shrink a little.
Apple Bloom gulped as she felt beads of sweat roll down the back of her neck. Environments like this always tended to put her on edge. A cold wind picked up, stinging against Apple Bloom’s face. She grimaced slightly and looked into the direction the wind was blowing.
To her dismay, Apple Bloom found an enormous sea of pale white fog rushing to meet her. Within moments, the fog surrounded Apple Bloom and blanketed the landscape. The fog itself was incredibly thick and Apple Bloom had trouble seeing more than a meter ahead of her nose. Regardless, she pushed on. She wasn’t sure she was still heading in the right direction or even where she was going, but she was determined to get there.

Oh forget off guys, I'm working on a decent story here and I'm looking for feedback.
then why is your story called "sweets megathread"
Anyone else like those newfangled doritos?
stop spamming this thread and take doritos to the crunchy junk food discussion

Oh forget off guys, I'm working on a decent story here and I'm looking for feedback.

Off topic isn't your personal critique. Many people here hate ponies and bronies. Keep it in the megathread, and for forgets sake, make it a text file or something to condense it. Wall of text much.

Oh forget off guys, I'm working on a decent story here and I'm looking for feedback.

You want feedback? Okay.

Post it in the pony thread, this is sort of disgusting to read about pony rape and zombies.

Oh forget off guys, I'm working on a decent story here and I'm looking for feedback.
Most people here hate MLP with burning passion.

There are many other places for MLP fan fiction. Just not here.

EDIT: Back on topic, guys

Most people here hate MLP with burning passion.

There are many other places for MLP fan fiction. Just not here.

This gives the haters one more reason to hate us with blind fury.

This gives the haters one more reason to hate us with blind fury.
So? Just another reason that they hate us. It doesn't hurt or benefit us.

Their problem. Not ours.