Author Topic: Gun pixel art I gone and drew up  (Read 9381 times)

Basically I've wanted to make a thread about this for awhile, and I even did (but I messed up horribly lol). I'm going to post them here as I make them so it's easier to keep track of things, and get some sweet-ass criticism :)

Part of the reason I'm giving these things out is that I want to know what parts of these guns I've drawn suck so I can improve and make it not suck.

Also, feel free to suggest guns, fantasy or not. I'll give it a shot when I can.

Guns are ordered from oldest to newest.

Proportioning between guns will be wacky, mind you.

I like them! But the SPAS has a hold between the Rail and the Ejection slot.

The grips on the two handguns look awkward, but I like them still. Nice work

Not trying to be a richard or anything I'm just curious

Why did you post this outside the pixel art thread?

I like them! But the SPAS has a hold between the Rail and the Ejection slot.

^This is a SPAS-12.

His is a standard combat shotgun.

Not trying to be a richard or anything I'm just curious

Why did you post this outside the pixel art thread?

Because I would also rather post something I worked more on outside a megathread where it will receive 1 comment then no one will even be aware of it's existence by the next page.
He actually posted them 1 on 1 on the megathread. This is the whole collection.

Because I would also rather post something I worked more on outside a megathread where it will receive 1 comment then no one will even be aware of it's existence by the next page.
He actually posted them 1 on 1 on the megathread. This is the whole collection.

It just kind of defeats the whole purpose of a megathread

we all love megathreads for condensing 50 threads into one
we all hate megathreads for posting into them, maybe getting 1 or 2 opinions then never getting seen again

we all love megathreads for condensing 50 threads into one
we all hate megathreads for posting into them, maybe getting 1 or 2 opinions then never getting seen again

This, exactly.

^This is a SPAS-12.

His is a standard combat shotgun.
It's hard to tell the diffrence between a Combat shotgun a SPAS 12 and a SPAS 12 without the Rail stock.

It just kind of defeats the whole purpose of a megathread

Also I think the Magwell on your M4/16 should be bigger OP.

It's hard to tell the diffrence between a Combat shotgun a SPAS 12 and a SPAS 12 without the Rail stock.

I was originally going to put a rail stock on, but there was no good way to draw it without it looking awkward as forget.


Also I think the Magwell on your M4/16 should be bigger OP.

Yeah, it's kind of tiny

edit: What should I draw next?

Mosin Nagant

Beretta M93

Bergmann Model 1896
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 03:04:10 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

For the last one, It's a bit odd how the grip is shaded radically different from your other ones.

I was originally going to put a rail stock on, but there was no good way to draw it without it looking awkward as forget.

Yeah, it's kind of tiny

edit: What should I draw next?

Mosin Nagant

Beretta M93

Bergmann Model 1896

Berreta 93