Author Topic: Make an awkward situation for the user below you to answer!  (Read 4237 times)

*Is crying from laughing too hard*

You die

wowe so awkerd nevr ben so embarisd

You're suddenly Crispy.

Eat myself and wake up.

You hack your wii and it grows legs and arms then rapes you with a 1' thin wire.

I take the first object I find and throw it at the wii hard enough to unplug it (or break it).
I then sue nintendo for making such an evil thing.

You are now nintendo.

I win the lawsuit

You are now Glassiº


My richard is on your face


You are now reinacting the mr. hands video as mr hands

Uhhh... eh?

You are now a gay child enthusiast rapist and you fap to dirt.

I'd kill myself

You wake up in the middle of a field and your a pikachu

I make a thunderbolt.

You drank a year old milk. What do you do?

Barf my ass off and then kill myself for drinking

You wake up as a 1 year old and drink 20 tons of Beer...

Probably die from beer consumption. O_O

You wake up as the opposite gender, but if you masturbate, you die.

Uhh... stuff... what brakes this spell >///<

You wake up on your toilet you wonder what is happening when you notice your completely naked and there is white stuff almost flooding the floor you look down at you crotch area and your the opposite gender you see a not saying...

"You have 1 week to live if you try to seek medical attention you WILL die, I know you, but you don't know me, I'll be watching you for a week you have to leave your house today and never come back. -Le Witch Doctor Rapist"

What do you do now?

Seek medical attention. I'm going to die in a week anyways, I might as well know what happened.

You become your grandmother and your grandfather is getting frisky with you.