Author Topic: WIP-Medieval City  (Read 5629 times)

So I decided to work on a medieval city for my MotE app. Right now it's a wip, and has no name. So name suggestions would be nice. And please, submit medieval names, not names like "Boston" or "New York" or "California".

I got this idea from Jirue's medieval city, I'm not copying, but I liked the idea of two seperate lands, with hot lava water all around. So, THANKS JIRUE!  :cookie:
The overview of the city-

The cliffs-

My gate design-

The bridge leading to the other side of town-

The waterfall-

My house-

My pillar design-

The bridge leading to my little garden in the sky-

The grass in my garden-

The gates at my castle entrance-

The door into my castle-

And last, is my castle(Still WIP)-

C&C would be nice.

Rate x/10. :)

i really dont know what to rate it since its a wip but for now i give it a 8/10 :)

Everything looks macroed. Nonetheless, it looks fine.


I'll be working on it more tomorrow. I have homework, and tomorrow is a Friday so I'll have more time. But I started Monday, and haven't worked on it until today. The castle is the only thing new I added.

i really dont know what to rate it since its a wip but for now i give it a 8/10 :)
Uhh, not me..
The repeating patterns everywhere and the waterfall (Just plain ugly) arn't great at all.

Everything looks macroed. Nonetheless, it looks fine.

How else do you expect to build a city that big?

i really dont know what to rate it since its a wip but for now i give it a 8/10 :)
Uhh, not me..
The repeating patterns everywhere and the waterfall (Just plain ugly) arn't great at all.
i agree with you that the waterfall could be better

Well, I've never made a waterfall. And since I haven't seen Jirue's server in a while, I can't get any good idea. If someone can show me a good design, I'd appreciate it. ;)

Very nive  :cookieMonster:
Only bad thing i have to say is... dundundun... the cliffs look good, but to macro-looking. That makes 'em look bad.

Very nive  :cookieMonster:
Only bad thing i have to say is... dundundun... the cliffs look good, but to macro-looking. That makes 'em look bad.
Well, the re-doing the cliffs means re-doing the WHOLE build...

lol, il show you a pic with a good waterfall and a non-macroed cliffs.

There not technicly called cliffs but its a cave, as you can see, its not macroed and i used diffrent bricks to make it even more "randome"

as the water fall, use 1X1 bricks right next to each other, use Water A, PROFIT! you got a waterfall.

Waterfall Pics

its awsome 10/10 can you give me a door ?

Shock, the cave looks macroed =P

And the waterfall looks like a lag monster in that pic. I know it isn't that bad as long as you don't overdo it.