Author Topic: IketheButthurt - So Done  (Read 13993 times)

Okay, so, I know I did insult Winterbite, it was a cool server. I said it was unoriginal and Ike was very displeased with this. Ike and I have always been rivals, for at least two years now. This is just too much, appearently because some people have found me to be a disturbance in a drama topic dislike me he bans me for being an starfish, declaring "I am the co-host and I have every right to take part in your 'starfishry'".which I didn't even say anything in-game to him when he joined, I just went along RPing. My actions on the Forums and my position do not reflect in-game, in fact, I've been trying to figure out the problem and why people are irritated at me. I have been greeted with several insults which I am not fond of, either.

Also, people keep saying I insulted Snick0rz, I said he was going "full handicap" for permanently banning someone for saying rooster on the server. Which is cool, in his country, they might only consider the name slang. I still personally don't approve of his actions but that doesn't matter. I didn't insult Snick0rz, I said he had a bad attitude, in this country, that's not a direct insult either. I never disrespected Snick0rz, overall, Zalot even proved this.

Upon him arriving after I stated I was still in the server after he said I was "unwelcome and how I should get out" (Which is totally admin appropriate). He only said this:

On top of this, I wasn't bothering any one in-game, and not every one inside the thread felt I was doing something wrong. My point was that zombies are too frequently occurring and we should look for more diversity in content. However, this was about a week ago and it has died down now. People are making more types of games and Blockland is looking better, yet people still take action against me.

Also, don't focus on the drama thread in this, drop your biases and speak only of the incident with Winterbite at hand, please.


When you say "rivals" I'm imagining an adult punishing a 6 year old

When you say "rivals" I'm imagining an adult punishing a 6 year old
Are you calling me immature or are you saying that I should use better terminology?

When you say "rivals" I'm imagining an adult punishing a 6 year old
Me too...
look at his tabs lol

I support this drama, this was really unneeded of Ike.

You were banned previously on another key because you couldn't comply with the admins, and all of the users were complaining about you picking fights. After such, you started trying to lie about the server to scare the users off, and you started bashing the server IN the server's thread.

Then things were alright for a few weeks, then your drama topic pops up and somehow you get on the topic of winter bite again. You started saying it's a complete ripoff of bluzone for reasons unknown until you started making up reasons as to why it's a ripoff.

Player immersion, realism effects, copied elements such as storage, communication structure, same building style, same epidemic, half of the admin crew coming from Bluzone, character development style, along with the same overall game play elements.

Afterwards, you try picking more fights ingame, especially with the whole "rooster" thing (which, might I add, was completely exaggerated and I feel it was a situation you used to start stuff).

Lastly, you picked another fight in winter bite's thread about the whole argument over the rooster thing, which ended with you getting banned for all of this.

-Holy Crap-
Now I don't know which side to go on. Should I go with Ike who seems to say something exactly what an angry Mounds Bar would do, or should I back up Mounds Bar?

Now I don't know which side to go on. Should I go with Ike who seems to say something exactly what an angry Mounds Bar would do, or should I back up Mounds Bar?

It's up to you. I getting aggressive, sure, but it's because he's been going at this stuff for so long, and I've put so much effort into this server. It pisses me off to get your project called a ripoff and stupid for biased, one-sided reasons.

OP is a friend.
Thanks for contributing, please leave.

You were banned previously on another key because you couldn't comply with the admins, and all of the users were complaining about you picking fights. After such, you started trying to lie about the server to scare the users off, and you started bashing the server IN the server's thread.

Then things were alright for a few weeks, then your drama topic pops up and somehow you get on the topic of winter bite again. You started saying it's a complete ripoff of bluzone for reasons unknown until you started making up reasons as to why it's a ripoff.

Afterwards, you try picking more fights ingame, especially with the whole "rooster" thing (which, might I add, was completely exaggerated and I feel it was a situation you used to start stuff).

Lastly, you picked another fight in winter bite's thread about the whole argument over the rooster thing, which ended with you getting banned for all of this.
I would like to know what key I was banned on, which users said this, and what lies did I make? I did say Winterbite was a terrible server, and I admit this, but of course I was mad at the time.

Also, I started saying Winterbite was a Bluzone clone before the drama, Ike.

Also, if you read what I said, I was cool with Snick0rz at first because he was German and didn't understand.

look at his tabs lol

You just made my day.

Mounds I still don't fully understand you, you're. Like a snotty little girl asking for a pony with a 7 year old combined, I really can't tell if you can't leave a thread alone or your just sitting on it, like why would you post about the "rooster" name? It's like you want to give the server a bad report... I think it started when you liked bluzone and got banned.

Also, as far as Winter bite and Theportalmaster goes, you insulted his server, belittled his admins and then antagonized him for hosting it; I don't know about you, but I think you should apologize to him.

I mean for forget's sake, he thought his server was going to fail and that everyone would hate him for doing what bluzone did. The least you can do is stop spreading stuff about it and let him have some fun.

Also who cares if it's a clone :


It's funny how he didn't know how to spell permanently so he had to google it~

Gonna have to side with Ike on this one, I've seen the stuff you started in their thread, god only knows what you did on the server.

You just made my day.

Mounds I still don't fully understand you, you're. Like a snotty little girl asking for a pony with a 7 year old combined, I really can't tell if you can't leave a thread alone or your just sitting on it, like why would you post about the "rooster" name? It's like you want to give the server a bad report... I think it started when you liked bluzone and got banned.
I understand that people have problems with me for that. The reason why I am outraged is because I was banned at random while playing on the server not disturbing anyone.

And no, I just thought that rooster is a fairly common name and the fact that someone would ban someone for it sounding loveual. This is a sensitivity issue by the administrator, not the player. I understand that it was because of his culture that he didn't know. He continued and became more aggressive so I said he had a bad attitude. I am also curious why people would be upset by this when there is someone named "Arvina" (Think I got that right) speaking of masterbating and love along with drugs in the OOC chat all the time, even if it's not apart of the RP.

Also, as far as Winter bite and Theportalmaster goes, you insulted his server, belittled his admins and then antagonized him for hosting it; I don't know about you, but I think you should apologize to him.

I mean for forget's sake, he thought his server was going to fail and that everyone would hate him for doing what bluzone did. The least you can do is stop spreading stuff about it and let him have some fun.
In no way was I trying to insult the server by calling it a Bluzone, Ike, I was trying to pursue for a more diverse and unique server. I do apologize that he felt that badly because of it, that's not fair to him.

It's funny how he didn't know how to spell permanently so he had to google it~

I've seen the stuff you started in their thread, god only knows what you did on the server.
Because eating at McDonald's once means you eat there every day.