Author Topic: Die Cis Scum  (Read 2644 times)

I didn't know what cis was.
I am now a privileged douche bag.

Dammit Jack, report back to the Normandy at once!

this video was hilarious enough as it is, but the Riddler top comment took the cake. lmao

Lol first comment i saw was Ben Grapevine

Lol first comment i saw was Ben Grapevine
This. So much this.

LOL go to the uploader's channel and look at the top comments of her other video

Boy society has gone down hill.

I don't really like how he/she has called me a "cis" when I am a supporter of transgenders.

Dammit Jack, report back to the Normandy at once!
god damn I laughed so much at this

This entire gender identity social movement is ridiculously overcomplicated with its confusing terminology and ambiguous goals. While only a few gender groups are actually ostracized or shunned socially (transgenders, homoloveuals, etc) many of these 'activists' (I use that term sparingly since they don't really do anything) have assigned tons of terms to describe nearly every combination of gender, anatomical love, and loveual preference. It seems like the only reason terms like 'cisgendered', 'panloveual', or 'otherkin' even exist is to act as labels for attention-starved teenagers who could exist completely comfortably in society without labeling themselves with incredibly descriptive terms for their loveuality and gender.

If I'm missing some important social niche that these terms fulfill, please explain because I have no idea.

They add precision, usually. Although, I have no idea what "otherkin" is, so that one kinda fails, in that respect, at least for me.

EDIT: And there's no real harm in using a bunch of terms as long as they're well-defined.