Author Topic: Die Cis Scum  (Read 2645 times)

They add precision, usually.
But what purpose does precisely labeling your gender identity fulfill?

Not a lot, I guess. But it doesn't hurt anything, so I don't see what the issue is. Unless it does hurt something, but I don't see how.

You got people who label brother sister cis gender, there is that one that hates straight unchanged people, male cs gender, and the list goes on and on for whatever label there is. The point is these people want to be different and in the process try to bring lots of attention which makes them come off as attention whores.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 09:52:54 AM by Harm94 »

My doctor put "male" on my birth certificate so I'm going to protest the government.

Although, I have no idea what "otherkin" is, so that one kinda fails, in that respect, at least for me.
identifying as an animal/mythical creature/etc

I don't understand what this wo-man is saying.

While I still do not know what a "cis" is, I do not approve of the comments people are leaving on this person's video insulting for such lifestyle choices of being transgendered. That said this person is rather negative, which I can understand to a degree the reason some people are being upset.

I do not like that there is so much labeling and distinction in society these days. I don't like having to have stupid little hashtags for every aspect of my life defining who I am in a compact and understandable way. Each person is so different from eachother culturally, experientially that there is no one else who experiences the world the way another does. Even between people who identify themselves similarly. The presence of such limiting declarations of identity is partly causing the problems of discrimination that people complain about. Then again there are a lot of discriminatory douchebags that would look for any difference in identity as cause for targeted abuse and other unfavorable acts. Ive met people who through our society of deciding groups for everything feel the need to identify as "lesbians" yet are dating men, men who do not wish to be classified as "gay" even though they show such attraction for a single other male. I've known hispanics and asians that for several generations have not had a person of their "race" in their family but yet are forced to identify as such due to their familial name regardless of present culture, and then get discriminated against for such reasons. There is so much differences in this world its kinda silly that we are fighting and fretting of minor differences between what we define as groups of people.


*Poking head from beneither rock*

Hey whats going on in thi-

*Goes back under*

*Poking head from beneither rock*

Hey whats going on in thi-

*Goes back under*

yep pretty much this

*Poking head from beneither rock*

Hey whats going on in thi-

*Goes back under*

privileged rock*

There's a difference between gender and gender identity. Whether you have a snake or not shouldn't dictate (richardtate lol) how you act or how you feel; whether you have a snake or not should dictate how you urinate. I feel more comfortable as a female, and if my life allowed it, I would refer to myself as female full time. However, since social norms interfere, I'm forced to keep that to myself and my own little world. I cannot truly change my gender, but I can change my gender identity.
However, I don't tolerate other people pushing that fact on everyone else. If I meet a bearded man who is 6' 5" with steroid muscles tomorrow and he asks me to call him, "she," then I happily will. If he told me I have to because it's his choice and if I don't I'm a narrow-minded starfish I'm going to tell his manly ass to go forget itself. It's people like this bitch who say, "die cis scum," that make me feel ashamed of calling myself transgender.