Author Topic: Blockland Playing Card Game  (Read 3011 times)

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE OF THE TRADING CARD GAME TOPIC. This was simply made to seperate 2 systems of cards. The other topic was only meant for trading cards, not an actual playable system of cards.

Random Standard
There's a few kinds of playable cards - Users, Add-Ons and Bricks.

Information displayed on a user card are as follows: BL_ID, Name (or forum name if name changes often), Weapons, Effect, Class, and Brick Limit (if one is present).

Users have several classes - Host, SA, Admin, Normal, and Noob. SA and Host are among the top tier class of playable user cards. Only 3 hosts are permitted per deck.

The classes of user cards change the color of the card itself.
Host - Orange
SA - Yellow
Admin - Silver/Grey
Normal - Blue
Noob - Black

Add-Ons are associated with events which display effects on the playing field. Played Add-Ons must be attached to a user in play before being used. All Add-On cards are green.

GameModes are not permitted Add-On cards - Gamemode is the term for a complete deck - a set of users, addons and bricks.

To execute an addon, it must be attached to a user before execution. An Add-On can have an effect on the user, or vice versa, some users forbidding attachment of certain add-ons.

Bricks are considered parts of builds - they are attached to add-ons or users. A user can have many bricks attached to the card as it permits, some users having a brick limit.

Builds absorb damage, but they usually have requirements before attachment (may require some bricks being attached before the build is attached itself) and absorb a lot more damage.

All brick cards are red.
All build cards are purple.

Let's make the base star count as the yellow stars.  Ex: *****
If you're a moderator, you can have a second layer of stars which are orange. *****
If you're an Admin, your star count will go to red over the orange, like so: *****
SA and Host would have the most health, which is a layer of green (The whole layer counts as one star, though.) Ex: *****

Feel free to make your own cards using the templates above.

--Forbidden Cards/Banned Cards--
None yet
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 07:54:42 PM by Randomness »

User Cards:

Addon Cards:

Brick Cards:
None yet

Build Cards:
None yet
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 05:40:21 PM by Randomness »

Can't even do them as attachments. This sucks.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 07:33:10 PM by Cuddles le Bear »

Imgur being as stubborn as a mule and won't let me upload any images. I'll have to do them as attachments.

Incorrect format, also, only BL users are permitted. Sorry, denied. Creative idea though.

Allow me to be clear on the format For users, their ability must be mentioned first followed by a new line and 1 tab, explaining their ability.

By default, all users have the default gun. The only way to give them a new weapon is to attach a Weapon addon for one.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 07:36:17 PM by Randomness »

Incorrect format, also, only BL users are permitted. Sorry, denied. Creative idea though.
It was a test.

Why don't we just make them all in one? Trading cards that can double as playing cards... I've already started working on it. Not guarantees that it'll get completed, but I'm definitely working on it.

It was a test.

I apologize, next time people be a little more clear that it isnt an official submission.

Why don't we just make them all in one? Trading cards that can double as playing cards... I've already started working on it. Not guarantees that it'll get completed, but I'm definitely working on it.

Aren't these already sort of tradeable? If they were actual cards, I mean.

Right. Kind of like Pokemon cards, people collect, trade, and play with them.

Can't even do them as attachments. This sucks.

We accept attachments - they will be reuploaded to imgur for proper listing however.

Here's mine with the fixed style:

(Click to get full-sized version.)

Are we gonna get picky about whether we use Impact font or not, though?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 09:04:19 PM by BlockoCrafter »

Here's mine with the fixed style:

(Click to get full-sized version.)

Are we gonna get picky about whether we use Impact font or not, though?

Impact is preferred for all text except the ability box which should use Sans 18 for the ability name and 13 for the description. I suppose its up to you, but this is just my preference.

Also, change Player Card to normal if possible. It will then be immediately accepted.

Btw, remove the weapon from the card, weapons are decided from attached addons. If a user card doesn't have an attached weapon, they're assumed to have the default gun.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 09:35:08 PM by Randomness »

Can someone make a card for me?





There are my cards. Thank you, thank you. bow
Can someone make a colored layout for the different levels of Player Cards please?
Also, there is no Sans 18 on Paint.NET.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:05:10 AM by TheKid »

i would think that every player has a normal, admin, super admin, and host version of themselves, each being more rare as they're better.

i would think that every player has a normal, admin, super admin, and host version of themselves, each being more rare as they're better.


Btw, bricks dont work like that. Think of energy cards from Pokemon. They're required for pretty much every build card.

The Player_Fuel_Jet card has been accepted.

People, can we please use Sans for the text box from now on? Refer to my current cards.
I use GIMP for my cards.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 01:07:57 AM by Randomness »