Author Topic: Wii-U is dying.  (Read 8864 times)

I have a feeling those melee fans who still play on the gamecube are holding nintendo back.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 11:40:56 AM by Harm94 »

It's their fault for releasing the system too early. They should had built up hype and launch games first.
Why would anyone want to build up more hype? That makes no sense. The more there is hype, the less likely people will be "surprised" by the new features.

Also 3Ds and Wii U compatibility is a future plan with games like SSB4
Also Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Super Mario Galaxy is better than Mario 64, its just your handicapped nostalgia vision judging the game for not being a part of your childhood. Mario galaxy has better graphics, better controls, an actual loving story besides Bowser only kidnapping the princess and sitting on his ass in his planet fortress waiting for his eventual demise and powerups. If we look at Galaxy 2, the addition of Yoshi and some more powerups into the mix makes the game even better.

You have never played Mario 64 have you? I played after I played galaxy so it has nothing to do with nostalgia that it's better. And Mario galaxy 2 was a piece of stuff with a horrible story, too much dialogue, rehashed levels (and the levels that weren't ripped straight from Mario galaxy were horribly designed), handicapped jokes, and a stuffty hubworld. Just because yoshi was on the game doesn't mean the game is good.

You have never played Mario 64 have you? I played after I played galaxy so it has nothing to do with nostalgia that it's better. And Mario galaxy 2 was a piece of stuff with a horrible story, too much dialogue, rehashed levels (and the levels that weren't ripped straight from Mario galaxy were horribly designed), handicapped jokes, and a stuffty hubworld. Just because yoshi was on the game doesn't mean the game is good.
I played Mario 64 before Galaxy and Galaxy 2. In my honest opinion Galaxy was great, but yes, Galaxy 2 is kind of a crappy rehash.

I played Mario 64 before Galaxy and Galaxy 2. In my honest opinion Galaxy was great, but yes, Galaxy 2 is kind of a crappy rehash.
I agree
I lost Galaxy so now I only have Galaxy 2 though ;c

I enjoyed Mario galaxy as well but it wasn't as good as Mario 64

You mean the one that removed the cartoon-y artstyle, which is what basically made the original game good?

It wasn't good because of the characters, music, setting, dungeons, story, gameplay, no siree! The art-style is what made it good!

You mean the one that removed the cartoon-y artstyle, which is what basically made the original game good?


^The moral of this story: Tony's a thick-headed peepee who can't be swayed

Why anybody bothers arguing with him anymore is beyond me, the fact that this has gotten as many as 11 pages is beyond infinity, and the fact people take Tony seriously and are completely ignorant of the fact he's just stirring the pot is beyond Buzz Lightyear.

too much dialogue
If 20 or so dialogue boxes with 15 max words is "too much" i want to see you play Morrowind

Mario 64 had more dialogue anyways. Dialogue every boss fight, whenever you unlock a door, signs, toads...

If 20 or so dialogue boxes with 15 max words is "too much" i want to see you play Morrowind

Mario 64 had more dialogue anyways. Dialogue every boss fight, whenever you unlock a door, signs, toads...

I know Mario 64 did. That was the only downside. But that was one small problem not 5 big problems.