Taco-Man Plays LIVE! Banjo and Kazooie!

Author Topic: Taco-Man Plays LIVE! Banjo and Kazooie!  (Read 1194 times)

Tacoman is playing Banjo and Kazooie live tonight, join us (Post what you want in this thread. I don't care)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 04:31:11 PM by Linkusofepica »

>doesn't start for 5 hours

I know, so sad. ;-;
Is this the original Banjo or the N&B one?

Is this the original Banjo or the N&B one?
Probably nuts and bolts, I don't remember which one was in the poll.

Guys, post anything you want in this thread.
It can be anything as long as it doesn't break the rules

Guys, post anything you want in this thread.
It can be anything as long as it doesn't break the rules
So guys
Whats the best pony

Probably nuts and bolts, I don't remember which one was in the poll.

Who the forget even votes for Nuts and Bolts

Who the forget even votes for Nuts and Bolts
people who want to see Taco-man complain.

people who want to see Taco-man complain.


yeah that's a good reason

Stream starting in an hour and a half.