Author Topic: New Build and the internet is loving  (Read 760 times)

Seriously, everything has been working so great. The internet was working great a couple of hours ago, I downloaded blockland and python and all these apps and I was playing blockland at max shaders with tens of thousand of bricks with 60FPS and then I go to dinner come back turn my computer on and...
pblew. Interwebs are broken :C. it is just kind of not working. I installed the LAN drivers because those were the most relevent things I could find. I have:
Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3
AMD Octo-Core 8150
I click i diagnose problems and it restarts the internet, then it is on but REALLY SLOW. Like unbearably slow. Then it'll break down. Please help guys, you are probably my only hope :C

Redownload the actual driver for your ethernet card. If you must take and uninstall the old one.

Sorry this might be a dumb question but is it wireless or Ethernet?

Redownload the actual driver for your ethernet card. If you must take and uninstall the old one.

Using onboard

Take the monocle off and stop living in the past, maybe the computer will realize your not in the 1800s and that you have internet.

EthernetUsing onboard
Do what I said, I use onboard as well and I've had this problem. Reinstalling driver helped alot

Take the monocle off and stop living in the past, maybe the computer will realize your not in the 1800s and that you have internet.
What the forget is wrong with you?
Do what I said, I use onboard as well and I've had this problem. Reinstalling driver helped alot
Sir yes sir