Author Topic: No one with a --- ping can no longer host.  (Read 1221 times)


Some people can't host anymore, basically everyone with a --- ping.

This is not a problem related to:
Add-Ons as I attempted to host with only default Add-Ons enabled.
Port Forward as me and everyone else (supposedly) hosted before with no problem.
IP as I have a Dynamic IP and I changed a few times with no effect.
Other problem that would've required a PC restart (does no difference).
UPnP as I attempted both enable and disabled.
Dedi/Local server as both end up the same, and you aren't even able to join your own server if it's dedi.

Additionally I ran a test with a friend, using a connection logger (external program) I checked the connections, I had none with him while he attempted to join my server, but I did have some connections running through the Blockland service.

On top of that, if it helps anyhow, here's the console.log.

Your server's ping will not be --- if you port forwarded correctly and disabled UPnP.

Your server's ping will not be --- if you port forwarded correctly and disabled UPnP.

Did you even read where I said what the problem is not related to?

I tried UPnP disabled too and I don't even have a router to Port Forward, hosting worked fine 4 days ago.

This is happening to me as well, but for some reason I was able to host fine before hand

Be sure that your software firewall (Windows Firewall, etc), allows both Blockland.exe and port 28000. Make sure that port 28000 is forwarded to the correct address in your router. Restart both your router (unplug it, plug it back in) and your computer. If these do not work, enable UPnP and then post a log with UPnP enabled.


IP as I have a Dynamic IP and I changed a few times with no effect.

There's your problem

Be sure that your software firewall (Windows Firewall, etc), allows both Blockland.exe and port 28000. Make sure that port 28000 is forwarded to the correct address in your router. Restart both your router (unplug it, plug it back in) and your computer. If these do not work, enable UPnP and then post a log with UPnP enabled.
There's your problem

hosted before with no problem.

If I really need to make a huge text so everyone notices it and stops repeating what I said that is not the bloody problem, here.

Check to make sure your server isn't for some reason running on a port 100 higher than the setting.

Check to make sure your server isn't for some reason running on a port 100 higher than the setting.
Will that fix it? I have to know.

Will that fix it? I have to know.

Just checking?
No, of course not.

Telling me if it is or not so I can tell you what to do?

If I really need to make a huge text so everyone notices it and stops repeating what I said that is not the bloody problem, here.

Woah buddy. I was just giving a basic list of things to run through. I realize he says he tried that already.

Check to make sure your server isn't for some reason running on a port 100 higher than the setting.
UDP initialized on port 28000.

Despite the firewall being on permitted, closing it completely makes stuff work...
Welp, time to leave my semi-unprotected to host a server.