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Author Topic: The Brighter Dark's Jail Escape [new poll]  (Read 14808 times)

is this going to end up being "find weapons in toilets"
and "find items in sewers" for the 18th time?

because that got old a long time ago
it'd be fun to see a more unique way to get weapons, like building it from spoons, or pick pocketing.

also I really hope you're prepared with admins
because jail escape's need lots of administation.
what if the admin's wrong

Most of the items in the jail will be found in realistic places, but there are a few exceptions because otherwise there wouldn't be enough items. As for administration, i have spent a good three weeks looking for responsible, mature, and fair admins to run this server. If there is a problem of any kind regarding one if my admins, just post here and it will be dealt with swiftly and effectively.

what if the admin's wrong
I'm certain The Brighter Dark is smarter than to make someone admin who doesn't fully know the rules.

Forum name: jleneau

In-game name: Kong123

Blockland ID(s): 30966

Other servers you have beta tested on: Ravencroft's Falling Tiles, Visolator's Boss Battles and Visolator's New Boss Battles. (I also will be beta testing Broze's New Deathrun)

Why do you want to beta: Well I think I can spot things out when things could be added or missing to this jail escape. Also I will respect others. This looks like a really good build and probably one of the best jail's i've ever seen so if I got to beta test it I would be a courage and I would take it serisouly.

Recommendations for this position: Ravencroft, Mango, Kel'Block, Cowboy6

i apply for admin on this server

you know me tbd so you know, i dont want to fill out that deadly form

i apply for admin on this server

you know me tbd so you know, i dont want to fill out that deadly form
There are no admin applications, and there never will be.

Looks promising.
I like SOME Jail RP's but more than 90% of the time, the mods and admins of Jail RP servers go overboard and abusive with their powers, and the build of Jail RP's are lacking lots of things usually. This however, has good admins (I know Sylvannor and he's very responsible), and the map looks detailed. Good luck with the game, hope all goes well.

Forumn Name: tredden

Bl_name: Whirlwind

Bl_id: 8429

Servers: Ravencroft's falling tiles, Nymph's murder mystery, Wink's CRP, will be testing Kongs Trench war, and others throughout the years.

Why: This build looks... Exactly up to your standards (Which is of epic proportions). I'd love to explore this place and find out all I can. I've made several evented contraptions which requires extensive testing and debugging to make perfect (ex. Falling tiles), so I know what im looking for and can offer solutions on how to fix. I always play with different strategies and techniques so I can approach something from every possible angle, so I think I would make a great beta tester.
I thought I would be admin, but I guess I'm not good enough for you.

Recommendors: Kong123, Ravencroft, Nymph, Wink, Cowboy6, Furdle, MrLoganator111, The Brighter Dark ;)
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 03:46:41 PM by tredden »

Also two things.

1. Why do you need the forums name when it's already displayed with the app.
2. I think that prisoners should be weighted 3 and the cops weighted 2 instead of balanced or max players.

I'd say cap the Cop Team amount at 14. That should be safe, but at 10, if we were to get 36 people, there are 26 prisoners for only ten cops to handle, and Prisoners most likely will get an edge at executing some.
2. I think that prisoners should be weighted 3 and the cops weighted 2 instead of balanced or max players.
That makes more cops than Prisoners. That would be unfair.

That makes more cops than Prisoners. That would be unfair.

I meant have 3 prisoners for 2 cops

Also, my ign should be on the list...

« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 06:28:41 PM by tredden »