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Author Topic: The Brighter Dark's Jail Escape [new poll]  (Read 14818 times)

Sorry I've had some personal issues this week. I'll be online this weekend.

Decided to open for a bit tonight, will be open again tomorrow

They banned a user called Oplime because Trifornt attacked him with a push broom, and Oplime shot him.
You are saying that since the pushbroom doesn't do any damage it' fine.

It's Trifornt's own damn fault he was killed. He was a moron to attack Oplime with a broom and expect not to be shot.
Your administration is a little bit flawed.
good builders though

They banned a user called Oplime because Trifornt attacked him with a push broom, and Oplime shot him.
You are saying that since the pushbroom doesn't do any damage it' fine.

It's Trifornt's own damn fault he was killed. He was a moron to attack Oplime with a broom and expect not to be shot.
Your administration is a little bit flawed.
good builders though

That's not we how operate. Our definitions of an allowed kill: A prisoner is killed because he has died somewhere across a red line. A prisoner has died because they attacked a police officer with a real weapon.

That's all there is to it. Besides, the bans are only sixty minutes long.

A frying pan is a real weapon?
we call it a "whacker" here in the jail

or a bopper

or op

this server is beautiful

Your administration is a little bit flawed.
Everyone has their own way of administrating. Some systems are strict and some let you off easy. You need strict administration in a server like this. I think the no tolerance 60 minute ban rule is very reasonable especially since the rules are stated in various places. There's no such thing as a "flawed" administration because everyone has their own idea of how a server should be administrated.

Everyone has their own way of administrating. Some systems are strict and some let you off easy. You need strict administration in a server like this. I think the no tolerance 60 minute ban rule is very reasonable especially since the rules are stated in various places. There's no such thing as a "flawed" administration because everyone has their own idea of how a server should be administrated.

Well said.

Thank you very much for attacking me.
Oplime was told that the Push Broom is legal and if someone hits you with it, it's fine. If you tell them to stop and they still hit you, you can shoot them.
When I hit Oplime for blocking my way, he opened fire when I walked away.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 09:52:27 PM by Cuddles le Bear »

I closed down the server for tonight, expect it back up tomorrow!

Thank you very much for attacking me.
Oplime was told that the Push Broom is legal and if someone hits you with it, it's fine. If you tell them to stop and they still hit you, you can shoot them.
When I hit Oplime for blocking my way, he opened fire when I walked away.
The push broom is a velocity-based weapon. I've tried it for myself, but words never seen to get the point across well enough. Take a bot and make a minigame. Spawn yourself a pushbroom. Given, in an open space, no big deal right? Now get him in a corner. Make some walls, or something he can be pushed up against, then hit him with the pushbroom. deadly. Further, the broom can be used to access illegal areas, so in a way it functions most similar to a key, except with self-defense capabilities.

Does it deserve a big fuss? No.
But the broom is capable of violence in te right hands, no less.

I closed down the server for tonight, expect it back up tomorrow!
Can't wait!

Yup, we are online with good playercount! Come join the fun!